Giáo án tiếng Anh lớp 12 Tuần 24 sách mới

Admin 20 Tháng một, 2021

Giáo án tiếng Anh lớp 12 chương trình mới Tuần 24

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 12 mới Tuần 24 dưới đây nằm trong tài liệu Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh 12 theo tuần do Tìm Đáp Án sưu tầm và đăng tải. Nội dung giáo án được trình bày đầy đủ mục tiêu, trình tự giảng dạy chi tiết xuyên suốt tiết học giúp giáo viên dễ dàng truyền tải bài giảng đến các em học sinh.

Date of preparation: Date of Teaching:



A. Aims and Objectives: - To help Ss pronounce revise what they have learned in unit 7.

- To teach Ss some lexical items related to artificial intelligence.

- To give them a chance to do a small project.

- To help Ss review and recognize the sentence stress in connected speech.

- To help Ss consolidate the use of passive causative.

- To provide further opportunities for Ss to use the language, skills.

- By the end of the lesson Ss are able to:

+ Use the sentence stress in connected speech correctly.

+ Use some key words of the artificial intelligence.

+ Do the exercises on passive causative.

B. Preparations: - Teacher: Handouts, textbook, pieces of papers, lesson plan and cassette.

- Students: Textbook

C. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.

D. Procedures:



1. Warm-up

5 minutes

Informs the class the objectives: reviewing pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar. Reviews what sentence stress is and when the process happens.

2. New lesson

7 minutes

8 minutes

15 minutes

7 minutes


Activity 1: Listen and mark the stressed syllable

-Listen to the recording and mark the stressed syllables and put the words in the correct box. Compare their answers in pairs.

- T. checks answers as a class.

- T plays the recording again and have Ss repeat the sentences

Key and audio script: In '1'8'8'4, 'G'M'T was a'dapted inter'nationally as a 'standard 'time 'zone.

The 'U'S'A is 'one of the 'largest and 'most 'powerful 'countries in the 'world.

The 'A. 'I. 'robots will 'help 'humans to de'velop a 'more 'powerful 'memory in the 'future.

'U'F'O is the 'acronym for Uni'dentified 'Flying 'Object.

I 'sent the 'package 'right 'away because I 'read the 'acronym 'A'S'A'P on its 'cover.

'Thanks to the 'G'P'S I could dis'cover 'where my 'missing 'car was.

'Let’s 'get to'gether 'next 'Sunday at '7 in the 'evening.

'F'M is a 'method of trans'mitting 'signals, e'specially in 'radio 'broadcasting.

I 'could 'not 'get 'money from the 'A'T'M be'cause it was 'broken.


Activity 1: Complete the sentences with the correct words / phrases in the box.

- Ss compare their answers in pairs or groups.

- T gives feedback.

Key: 1. malfunction 2. futurists 3. life-threatening

4. exterminated 5. operating 6. reduce 7. leading


Activity 1: Circle the correct answers.

- T asks Ss to read each sentence carefully.

- T has ss compare their answers in pairs.

- T checks answers as a class.

Key: 1. C 2. C 3. B 4. D 5. A 6. D 7. C

Activity 2: Complete the sentences, using the causatives.

have + somebody + bare infinitive

have + something + past participle

get + something + past participle

- Read the sentences and underline the agents and objects, explains that this will help them to use the appropriate structure.

- To work individually, and then compare their answers in pairs.

- T checks answers as a class.

Key: I’ll have a friend cut it. I’ll have my hair cut.

I’ll get my hair cut. I’ll have a worker paint it.

I’ll have it painted. I’ll get it painted.

Why don’t you have the computer technician repair it?

Why don’t you have it repaired? Why don’t you get it repaired?

Yesterday I had my brother fix it. I had it fixed yesterday.

I got it fixed yesterday. I’ll have a repairman update.

I’ll have it updated. I’ll get it updated.

I’ll have the porter bring my suitcase.

I’ll have my suitcase brought by the porter.


Work in groups of four. Do some research on one of the following topics. Make a poster and give a presentation about your poster.

a kind of robot that is in use in the world today e.g. industrial, medical, military

a popular science-fiction film about artificial intelligence.



2 minutes

- Ask Ss to consolidate the main contents.

- Ask Ss: What have you learnt today?

What can you do now?


1 minute

- T asks Ss to learn the structures and vocabulary.

- Prepare for the next lesson.

E. Evaluation:


Date of preparation: Date of teaching:


Date of preparation: ……./…../ Date of teaching: ……./……./


Trên đây là Giáo án tuần 24 môn tiếng Anh 12 mới.

Xem thêm giáo án tiếng Anh 12 cả năm tại: Giáo án tiếng Anh 12 chương trình mới cả năm. Mời bạn đọc tham khảo thêm nhiều tài liệu ôn tập Tiếng Anh 12 khác như: Để học tốt Tiếng Anh lớp 12, Bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp 12 theo từng Unit trực tuyến, Đề thi học kì 1 lớp 12, Đề thi học kì 2 lớp 12,... được cập nhật liên tục trên Tìm Đáp Án.

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