Giáo án tiếng Anh lớp 12 Tuần 33 sách mới

Admin 20 Tháng một, 2021

Giáo án tiếng Anh lớp 12 chương trình mới Tuần 33

Nằm trong bộ giáo án lớp 12 môn tiếng Anh theo tuần, tài liệu giáo án tuần 33 dưới đây được soạn theo chương trình chuẩn kiến thức, kỹ năng giúp các thầy cô nâng cao hiệu quả chất lượng giảng dạy, chuẩn bị tốt cho các bài dạy lớp 6 trên lớp. Mời thầy cô tham khảo, download tài liệu.

Date of preparation: ……./…../ Date of teaching: ……./……./




1. Language focus: Sts will be able to:

- For vocabulary: words and phrases related to the characteristics of lifelong learning.

- For pronunciation, get to know intonation of questions.

- For grammar, conditional clauses - type 3, mixed conditionals of type 2 and type 3.

2. Skills: - To help learners get started with 4 skills in Unit 10

- Listening: Listen for specific information about a successful lifelong learner.

- Develop listening skills and talk about a lifelong learner.

3. Attitudes: - To help Ss get started for Unit 10 with the topic lifelong learning.

- To provide Ss some motivation


1. Teacher: - Teaching aids:textbook, lesson plan

- Teaching method: Communicative language teaching

2. Students: - Read through English Unit 10 - listening at home


1. Class organization (1 minute)

2. Check up (omitted)

3. New lesson (40 minutes)

Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities

I. Warm- up

Use the picture in the textbook to introduce the listening lesson.

II. Pre- listening

- Ask Ss to look at the words and the meanings given, and then match the words with the appropriate meanings.

III. While- listening

- Have Ss compare their answers in pairs.

- Check answers as a class.

- Ask sts to look at the names of the three interviewees, and the list of careers, and then make their own predictions for the career each of them does.

- Have Ss listen to the recording and match the career with each interviewee

IV. After- listening.

- Have Ss compare their answers in pairs.

- Check the answers as a class.

- Ask Ss to look through all the statements and guess the answers based on their first listening.

- Have Ss listen to the recording again and decide if the statements are true (T), false (F) or not given (NG)

Wrapping – up:

- Ask Ss what they catch through the listening text.

I. Warm- up:

- Oral work

Match the word (1-5) with their meaning (a-e)

1. d 2. a 3. e 4. b 5. c

II. Pre- listening:

- Individual work

Guess the answr to questions.

Underline key words in sentences in ex 3.

III. While- listening.

- Individual and then pair work.

Ex2: Choose the best answer.

The aim of this activity is to introduce new vocabulary items which will help Ss to understand the listening exercise.

Key: 1. B 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. A

Ex 3. Listen again and decide if the following statements are true (T), or false (F).

This activity helps Ss to practice listening for specific information.

Key: 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T

IV. After- listening.

- Group work.

Ex 5. Work in groups of three. Ask and answer about lifelong learner they know.

The aim of this follow-up activity is to provide opportunities for Ss to express their viewpoints in freer communication practice.

- Who she is/ - how she learns/ - why she learns

V. Consolidation (3 mins)

- Vocabulary related to the topic of new ways to learn

- Talk about your gender equality in your local areas

- Listening skills

VI. Homework: (1 min)

- Vocabulary related to leaving school and choosing a career

- listening skills: - the positive and negative points of some careers.

- Do the tasks again.

- Read Unit 9 - writing at home.

IV. Evaluation:


Date of preparation: ……./…../ Date of teaching: ……./……./




1. Language focus: Sts will be able to:

- For vocabulary; words and phrases related to the characteristics of lifelong learning.

- For pronunciation, get to know intonation of questions.

- For grammar, conditional clauses - type 3, mixed conditionals of type 2 and type 3.

2. Skills: - To help learners get started with 4 skills in Unit 10

- Writing: Write a description of a bar chart about barriers to lifelong learning.

3. Attitudes: - To help Ss get started for Unit 10 with the topic lifelong learning.

- To provide Ss some motivation


1. Teacher: - Teaching aids:textbook, lesson plan

- Teaching method: Communicative language teaching

2. Students - Read through English Unit 10 - Writing at home


1. Class organization (1 minute)

2. New lesson (40 minutes)

Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities

A. Warm -up

- Inform the class of the lesson objective: writing a job essay of description to describe barriers to lifelong learning.

B. Pre-writing.

- Ask Ss to read the chart.

- Fill in the gaps.

- Answer any other questions ss may ask about the suggestions.

- Ask Ss to read the advertisement and make a list of the personal qualities and experience they may need for the job.

- Help them with different types of transformation writing.

III. While you write.

- Get two Ss to write the essay on the paper.

- Have Ss write their drafts individually and then exchange their writing with a partner for peer feedback.

- Encourage Ss to make revisions.

- Collect some of the Ss’ final drafts and give written comments.

- Write Ss’ typical errors on the board and elicit self - correction and peer -correction.

D. After you write

- Give them oral feedback after all.

- For short text, ask Sts to revise their writing according to their peer’s suggestion.

A. Warm –up - Oral work

Ex 1. Complete the sentences describing the five barriers.

B Pre-writing.

- Oral work.

Ex 2: Read the job advertisement. Make a list of the qualities and experience you may need for the job.

The aim of this activity is to provide a job advertisement for Ss to analyse.

Suggested sentences

Lack of time was the second most important barrier.

Or Lack of time rank second in the chart of the barriers which inhibit lifelong learning.

1. showed/ picked 2. the second rate

3. interviewed/ asked 4. accounted for

5. A minority/ A very small number

C. While you write.

- Pair work.

Ex 3: Write a description in the form of an essay of around 150-180 words basing on the suggestions.

The bar chart shows the results of a survey of approximately 500 employees about barriers to lifelong j[ learning. The survey found that there are five barriers that prevent people from participating in lifelong learning. However, these barriers are not equally important.

Lack of finances is rated by most of the survey participants as the most important factor. More than three quarters (77%) of those who responded to the survey reported that it was their main problem. The second important factor is the lack of time. This was identified as a barrier by 66% of the research participants (almost two-thirds)

Two more factors were picked by about one-fifth of the participants. These were the unawareness of the importance of lifelong learning (22%) and the irrelevance of the subjects available (20%). A small minority of participants reported a lack of interest in learning (10%).

In conclusion, the top two factors that prevent employees from participating in lifelong learning are lack of finances and lack of time. It is clear that priority must be given to them when encouraging employees to pursue further education

D. After you write

Feedback and correction

- Group work - Oral work

IV. Consolidation (3 mins)

- Vocabulary related to lifelong learning

- Writing skills: write a description.

V. Homework: (1 min)

- Writing skills: rewrite a description of lifelong learning

- Do the tasks again

- Read Unit 10 – communication and culture

IV. Evaluation:


Date of preparation: ……./…../ Date of teaching: ……./……./




1. Language focus

Sts will be able to:

- For vocabulary; words and phrases related to the characteristics of lifelong learning.

- For pronunciation, get to know intonation of questions.

- For grammar, conditional clauses - type 3, mixed conditionals of type 2 and type 3.

2. Skills - Reading; - Speaking; - Listening; - Writing.

- Develop listening skills and talk about a lifelong learner.

3. Attitudes - To help Ss get started for Unit 10 with the topic lifelong learning.

- To provide Ss some motivation


1. Teacher - Teaching aids: textbook, lesson plan

- Teaching method: Communicative language teaching

2. Students - Read through English Unit 10 – communication and culture at home


1. Class organization (1 minute)

2. Check up (omitted)

3. New lesson (40 minutes)

Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities

Summer jobs

- Ask Ss to look at the four pictures and brainstorm some ideas about the lifelong learner

- Play the recording for Ss and ask them to fill in the gaps.

- Ask Ss to work with a partner to compare their answers.

- Based on their first listening, ask Ss to look at the questions and answer them as best they can.

- Play the recording again for Ss to listen and tick and write notes in the space given.

- Have Ss compare their answers in groups.

- Check the answers as a class.

- Ask pairs of students to answer the questions.

- Tell the pairs to discuss how the answers.

- Ask Ss to do the ex.

- Have them read the passage first, then ask them if there are any new words they need.

- Have Ss read the questions and answer them in pairs.

- Ask Ss to compare their answers.

- Check the answers as a class.

- Ask Ss to work in pairs and discuss the questions.

- Invite some pairs or individuals to present their ideas in front of class.

- Encourage other Ss to give comments.

I. Communication: Oral work

1. Listen to Peter, Jane, and Mary talking about their summer jobs. What does each person do? Write his/her job under each picture.

This activity will help Ss to practice listening for specific information.

Key: 1. continuous self-motivation 2. Travelling and work

3. Writing words, glancing at them 4. reading in libraries

- Oral work

Ask and answer the given questions.

a. How many languages could uncle Ho speak?

b. How did he learn them?

c. How long did he learn them?

II. Culture.

Life-long learning in Australia and Singapore

- Do the task in pairs.

Ex 1. Read the text about a year out and answer the questions that follow.

This activity aims to provide Ss with more knowledge about the practice of taking a year out, also known as a gap year as practiced by young people in UK.


1. To increase individual income and employment security; to help businesses and organizations to be more competitive; to keep up with global development.

2. To get a good job and meet their employers’ demands.

3. To build the future and strengthen social security.

4. It enables Singaporeans to actively take responsibility for their learning throughout their lives by attending various courses.

- Work in pairs and do the task.

Ex 2. Discuss the questions with a partner.

- This follow up activity provides an opportunity for Ss to relate the text content to their situation in Vietnam

The Vietnamese government should organize national competitions./ disseminate general as well as specified knowledge among people.

4. Consolidation (3 mins)

- Talk about lifelong learning in Vietnam

5. Homework: (1 min)

- Talk about disadvantages of lifelong learning and Read Unit 10 - Looking back and Project at home

IV. Evaluation:


Trên đây là Giáo án tuần 33 môn tiếng Anh 12 mới.

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