Giáo án tiếng Anh lớp 12 Tuần 30 sách mới

Admin 20 Tháng một, 2021

Giáo án tiếng Anh lớp 12 chương trình mới Tuần 30

Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Tuần 30 lớp 12 mới dưới đây nằm trong tài liệu Giáo án lớp 12 môn tiếng Anh theo tuần do Tìm Đáp Án sưu tầm và đăng tải. Tài liệu tiếng Anh gồm chi tiết, thứ tự giảng dạy trong từng tiết học giúp quý thầy cô chuẩn bị trước khi lên lớp hiệu quả.

Date of preparation: ……./…../ Date of teaching: ……./……./




1. Language focus - To provide some vocabulary related to choosing careers

2. Skills- To promote Ss to develop their writing skills

- To help Ss develop the skill of working in pairs and groups

3. Attitudes - To encourage Ss to work harder

- To provide Ss some motivation


1. Teacher - Teaching aids: textbook, lesson plan

- Teaching method: Communicative language teaching

2. Students - Read through English Unit 9 - Listening at home


1. Class organization(1 minute)

2. Check up(5 minutes) - Ask some Ss go to the board and talk about choosing careers

3. New lesson(35 minutes)



1. Look at the pictures, what job do the people in the pictures do? Write down the job under each picture

Ask Ss to do the task, then compare the result with their partner

Do as appointed

1.a medical researcher

2. a flight attendant

3. a TV reporter

2. Match each words with its meaning

Ask Ss to do this task in pairs

Do as appointed

1. c 2. e 3. d 4. b 5. a

3. Listen to the interview and match the career with each interviewee

Play the tape twice

Let Ss listen to the recording and work in pairs to do the task

Do as appointed

1. b 2. c 3. a

4. Listen again and decide if the following statements are T, F or NG

Ask Ss to do the task

Do as appointed

1. T 2. NG 3. F 4. F 5. T

5. Work in groups of 3. First tell your group members what career you are looking for. Then discuss its positive and negative points

Ask Ss to do the task

Do as appointed

4. Consolidation(3 mins) - Vocabulary related to language learning apps

- Listening skills

5. Homework: (1 min) - Vocabulary related to language learning apps

- Listening skills. Do the tasks again; Read Unit 9

IV. Evaluation:


Date of preparation: ……./…../ Date of teaching: ……./……./




1. Language focus - To provide learners some vocabulary related to future jobs

2. Skills- To promote Ss to develop their listening and reading skills

- To help Ss develop the skill of working in pairs and groups

3. Attitudes - To encourage Ss to work harder

- To provide Ss some motivation


1. Teacher - Teaching aids: textbook, lesson plan

- Teaching method: Communicative language teaching

2. Student- Read through English Unit 9 – Communication and Culture at home


1. Class organization (1 minute)

2. Check up (5 minutes) - Ask Ss to talk about what students do after leaving school

3. New lesson (35 minutes)




1. Listen to Peter, Jane, and Mary talking about their summer jobs. What does each person do? Write his/her job under each picture.

- Ask Ss to look at 3 pictures and brainstorm some ideas about the kinds of jobs they show.

- Play the recording for Ss and ask them to write a job under each picture.

- Ask Ss to look at the pictures and compare their answers.

2. Listen again. Do Peter, Jane, and Mary like their jobs? Why or why not? Tick the correct column and take notes in the table.

- Ask Ss to look at the questions and answer them as best as they can, based on their first listening.

- Play the recording again for Ss to listen and tick and write notes in the space given in the table.

- Have Ss compare the answers in pairs or groups.

- Check answers as a class.

3. Work in groups. Imagine you are going to do a summer job. Tell your group about your job and why you like or dislike it.


- Do as appointed


Dishwasher Tutor Tour guide

- Do as appointed

Key: 1. Peter- doesn’t like- It’s a pretty hard job, and it’s hot in the kitchen.

2. Jane-like- She loves working with the kids. It’s fun.

3. Mary- like- The work’s very interesting. She has the opportunity to see lots of historical buildings and sights.

- Do as appointed

- Discuss in groups to talk about what you like/dislike about your imaginary job.

- Work in groups and prepare their own ideas to talk about their imaginary summer jobs.

CULTURE-Taking a year out

1. Read the text about a year out and answer the questions

- Ask Ss to read the text individually to get an overall idea about its content.

- Have Ss read the questions and answer them.

- Ask Ss to compare the answers in pairs or groups.

- Check answers as class

2. Discuss the questions with a partner

- Ask Ss to work in pairs and discuss the questions

- Invite some pairs or individuals to present their ideas in front of the class.

- Encourage other Ss to give some comments.

- Do as appointed.

- Discuss the questions in pairs and present the ideas in front of the class.

CULTURE-Taking a year out

Key: 1. He would really like a break from the academic world.

2. He could work in a bank or do community work. He might even do something adventurous, such as joining an expedition to a rainforest.

3. His experience during a gap year will broaden his horizons and teach him new skills. It may also give him the chance to earn some money.

4. Before deciding to take a year out, he must make sure that the university will hold his place for him till the following year.

5. It means the education one gets from experience in the real world.

4. Consolidation(3 mins) - Vocabulary related to some jobs you do

- Listening, reading, and speaking skills: making conversation, presenting

5. Homework: (1 min)- Do Task 1 in Culture again in the notebook

- Read Unit 9 – Looking back at home

IV. Evaluation:


Date of preparation: ……./…../ Date of teaching: ……./……./




1. Language focus - To provide learners some vocabulary related to the topic of jobs

2. Skills- To promote Ss to develop their general skills

- To help Ss develop the skill of working in pairs and groups

3. Attitudes - To encourage Ss to work harder

- To provide Ss some motivation


1. Teacher- Teaching aids: textbook, lesson plan

- Teaching method: Communicative language teaching

2. Students- Read through English Unit 9 – Looking back at home


1. Class organization (1 minute)

2. Check up (5 minutes) - Ask Ss to talk about what students do after leaving school

3. New lesson (35 minutes)




1. Listen and underline the unstressed words in the following sentences.

- Play the record and let Ss listen and underline the unstressed words.

- Check answers as a class by asking some Ss to read the sentences out loud.

- Play the recording again and let Ss listen and repeat the sentences

2. Underline the unstressed words in the following sentences and practise reading them aloud.

- Have Ss work individually, and then compare their answers in pairs.

- Check answers as a class.

- Ask Ss to read the sentences out loud.


- Do as appointed


1. I’m looking for a job to keep me busy this summer.

2. He saw the advertisement in today’s newspaper.

3. How far is it from here to your school?

- Do as appointed


1. I would like to take a year off first, and then go to university.

2. Working as a journalist, he has the opportunity to meet famous people and interview them.

3. I decided to be an apprentice to an electrician for two years, and then I will study electrical engineering at university.


Complete the sentence with the correct form of the words or phrases in the box.

- Have Ss complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words or phrases given in the box.


- Do as appointed

Key: 1. workforce 2. career 3. temporary

4. career advice 5. apprentice 6. Options

- Ask Ss to compare answers in pairs or groups.

- Check answers as a class.


1. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the phrasal verbs in the box.

- Ask Ss to complete the sentences with the correct form of the the phrasal verbs given.

- Have Ss work individually first, and then compare their answers in pairs.

- Check answers as a class.

2. Make a complex sentence from each pairs of sentences. Use the words provided and make any necessary changes.

- Ask Ss to make a complex sentence from each pair of sentences.

- Have Ss work individually first, and then compare their answers in pairs.

- Check answers as a class.


- Do as appointed

Key: 1. go on with 2. Keep up with

3. come up with 4. Get on with

5. ran out of 6. Drop in on

7. cut down on 8. Dropped out of

- Do as appointed

Key: 1. If you eat too much, you may fall ill.

2. Kate is as beautiful as her mother.

3. He is not as bright as he thinks he is.

4. It rained so hart that the plane couldn’t take off.

5. Unless you run fast, you will be late for school.

6. It was such a good novel that she couldn’t put it down.

7. If I had one million dollars, I would travel around the world.

8. The apprentice finished the work as Mr Smith had requested.


1. Work in groups. Interview your group members about their future careers. Use the table below as a guide.

- Ask Ss to work in groups of 5, prepare their tables as guided.

- Ask each S to interview 4 members in his/her group and note down the information they get.

2. Present the results of the interviews to the class. Ask Ss to give their presentations.

- Encourage other Ss to give some comments.

- Have the class vote for the best presenter.


- Do as appointed

- Work in groups of 5 and take turns to interview other members about their future careers.

- Ask Ss to prepare their presentations, paying attention to the similarities and differences in the choices of the career of the group members.

- Do as appointed

- Present the results of the interviews in front of the class.

4. Consolidation(3 mins) - Vocabulary related to some jobs you do

- Listening, reading, and speaking skills: making conversation, presenting

5. Homework: (1 min) - Revision for the 2ndterm examination

IV. Evaluation:


Trên đây là Giáo án tuần 30 môn tiếng Anh 12 mới.

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