Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 8 Unit 9: A first aid course - Lesson 3

Admin 30 Tháng một, 2018

Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh lớp 8

Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 8 Unit 9: A first aid course - Lesson 3 được TimDapAnsưu tầm và giới thiệu để có thể chuẩn bị giáo án và bài giảng hiệu quả, giúp quý thầy cô tiết kiệm thời gian và công sức làm việc. Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh 8 này được soạn phù hợp quy định Bộ Giáo dục và nội dung súc tích giúp học sinh dễ dàng hiểu bài học hơn.

Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 8 Unit 9: A first aid course - Lesson 1

Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 8 Unit 9: A first aid course - Lesson 2

Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 8 Unit 9: A first aid course - Lesson 4


1. Aims: At the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand how to deal with the cases of fainting, shock and burns.

2. Knowlege:

* Vocabulary: patient (n), elevate (v), victim (n), revive (v), overheat (v), minimize (v), tissue damage (n), sterile dressing (n)

* Grammar: - Giving instructions

3. Skills: Reading, Listening and Speaking.


1. Teacher: Lesson plan, pictures, projector, realia: medical device, blankets, pillows, cold water bags, ice, alcohol, tea, water, cakes, toothpaste, balm.

2. Students:

  • Vocabulary: patient (n), elevate (v), victim (n), revive (v), overheat (v), minimize (v), tissue damage (n), sterile dressing (n)
  • How to do deal with the cases of fainting, shock and burns.


1. Warm up: (2’) Chatting

  • Have you ever fainted?/+ Have you ever seen a fainted person?
  • What would you do if your friend fainted?
  • List some cases that we have to do a first aid?

Introduces some pictures and situations about fainting, shock and burns and their consequences.

2. New lesson:

* Lead-in:

Introduces the lesson: Today, we are reading to know how to deal with the cases of fainting, shock and burns.

Teacher/s activities

Ss/ activities


1. Vocabulary: (10’)

+ Patient (n) (picture)

+ Elevate (v) (mime)

+ Victim (n) (situation)

+ Revive (v) (situation)

+ Overheat (v) (translation)

+ Minimize (v) (explanation)

+ Tissue damage (n) (picture)

+ Sterile dressing (n) (realia)

- Elicits the words from the Ss and says them out.

- Write and checks.

2. Presentation text: (5’)

- Plays the tape for Ss to listen.

- Asks Ss to practice reading.

- Calls on some Ss to read before class.

- Corrects Ss’ mistakes if any.


1. Multiple choice: (6’)

- Gives out the statements on page 84.

- Asks Ss to read the text again and choose the correct case.

- Gets feedback and checks the answer with the whole class.

*Answer key:

a, A b, B c, A d, C e, A

2. True or Fasle: (7’)

a) In fainting case, we shouldn’t lower the patient’s head below the level of the heart.

b) We shouldn’t let the victim get cold.

c) In shock case, we should overheat the victim with blankets or coats.

d) Give the victim drugs or alcohol.

e) In burned case, we should cool the burn as quickly as possible.

f) Don’t ease pain with ice.


Deal with cases

- Devides the class into three groups: group 1: Fainting, group 2: Shock, group 3: Burns. Each group discusses and chooses the things teacher laid on the three tables to do a first aid in their case.

- Asks Ss to give first-aid instructions for each case.

- Gets comments from other groups.

- Gives comments and corrects.

- Try out and repeat chorally-individually.

- Give the meaning, pronunciation and stress.

- Listen to the text.

- Practice individually.

- Practice reading before class.

- Listen to teacher and correct.

- Read through the statements (may give the Vietnamese meaning).

- Work individually to do the task.

- Give the answer and check the answer with teacher.

- Read the statements and decide whether the statements are true or false.

- Give the answer and correct false statements.

* Answer:

a) F - In fainting case, we should lower the patient’s head below the level of the heart.

b) T

c) F - In shock case, we should overheat the victim with blankets or coats.

d) F – Don’t Give the victim drugs or alcohol.

e) T

f) F – Ease pain with ice.

- Listen to teacher and work in groups to choose the things teacher laid on the three tables to do a first aid in their case.

- Work in groups, one by one gives first-aid instructions for their case.

- Give comments on their friends’ first-aid instrucions.

- Listen to teacher.

* Consolidation: (2’)

Elicits the way to prevent fainting, shock and burns from Ss.

Says out the ways:

a) To prevent fainting and shock:

  • In Physical Education, students must wear hats, warm up carefully and follow teacher’s guides.
  • Eat breakfast before going to school/work.
  • Check health regularly.
  • Do exercise regularly.
  • Drink enough water and eat enough nutrients.

b) To prevent burns:

  • Don’t play in the kitchen.
  • Be careful with boil water, fire, gas, petrol and exhaust pipe of motorbikes…


  • Asks Ss to learn by heart the vocabulary and how to deal with fainting, shock and burns.
  • Do exercise 2 on page 55 – workbook.
  • Asks Ss to revise the form of an informal letter and prepare: Write - P.84.

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