Giáo án tiếng Anh lớp 8 Tuần 32 sách mới

Admin 21 Tháng tám, 2019

Giáo án tiếng Anh lớp 8 chương trình mới Tuần 32

Nằm trong tài liệu Soạn giáo án tiếng Anh lớp 9 theo tuần, tài liệu giáo án tuần 32 sách mới dưới đây do Tìm Đáp Án sưu tầm và đăng tải. Tài liệu giáo án gồm chi tiết Lesson Skill 1, Skill 2, Looking back and project Unit 11 Science and Technology giúp quý thầy cô có một tiết dạy hiệu quả.

Period: 91 Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……


Lesson 5: Skills 1

I. Objectives:

1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to:

- Read for general and specific information about the role of the science and technology in the future.

- Talk about the role of the science and technology in the future.

2. Skills: - reading,speaking

3. Attitude: Ss will be active while practising doing exercises

4. Competencies: Ss are interested in doing exercises

II. Main languages:

1. Vocabulary: words about science and technology.

2. Grammar: - Future tenses.

III. Teaching aid: Text books, cassette, chalk, visual pictures and some boards.

IV. Procedures

Teacher’s activities

Ss’ activities


Warm – up.( 5’)

Write these headings on the board:

Travel Health Homes

Brainstorm with the class some predictions for future developments in these three fields. Encourage Ss to use their imagination. Now open the book and do the reading tasks.



1. Quickly read the passages. Match the headings with the passages.

Ask Ss to read the passages quickly looking for key words and then match them with the headings.


2. Underline the flowing words and phrases in the text. Match each of them with its explanation.

Have Ss do the task individually. Then Ss can check their answers in pairs. Elicit the answers from Ss.

3. Answers the questions.

Ask Ss to read the passages again and answer the questions. Ss can ask and answer in pairs. T corrects the answers as a class. If time allows, have Ss show where they found the answers.



Set up the SPEAKING stage by getting Ss to think about the pros and cons of advancement in science and technology. Explain that nothing is ‘black and white’; there are always advantages and disadvantages. For example, say:

More and more robots will be invented and used in the future. One of the advantages of this is that robots will be able to do dirty or dangerous jobs that humans don’t want to do. At the same time, there are disadvantages - robots will replace people in some areas so there will be unemployment.

4.Think about your ideas about scientific advances in these fields. Look at the example and make notes.

Encourage Ss to think of as many ideas as possible. Move around to give some cues and observe.

5. Work in groups. Express your agreement and disagreement about how scientific advances can help us solve problems in the future.

Divide the class into groups of five or six. Each group talks about one of the fields in 4. Tell Ss to read the example before they start. Encourage them to use the phrase give in the Look out! box. While Ss are talking, T goes around to give assistance if necessary.

If time allows, have Ss summarise their group’s ideas and present to the class.


Prepare for unit 11 lesson 6

Class work

Class work

- Ss work individually.

- Ss work individually.

Ss work in pairs.

Ss work in pairs to think about these pros and cons.

Group work

Warm – up.( 5’): Brainstorming

Key: 1. B 2. A 3. C

Key: 1. D 2. A 3. E 4. B 5. F 6. C


1. To explore Mars/ To find out if there is, or ever has been, life there/ To explore the possibility of being able to live there.

2. They help people live longer.

3. 70 or 75 years.

4. Solar panels and solar windows.

5. They can do chose such as cleaning, cooking, washing, and organizing things.

Nuclear energy:

- convenient, clean, available…

- expensive, unsafe, environmentally unfriendly…

Nutrition pills: - people can live longer, convenient,…

- expensive, create an ageing population, create overpopulation…

Smart phones:

- convenient, quick, entertaining…

- environmentally unfriendly, discourage face-to-face communication, people can be tracked at all times…

Space travel: - exciting, adventurous…

- expensive dangerous…

Period: 92 Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……


Lesson 6: Skills 2

I. Objectives:

1. Knowledge:By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to:

- Listen for specific information about how science and technology solve some problems in the future..

- Write to express agreement and disagreement about the roles of science and technology.

2. Skills: - listening, writing

3. Attitude: Ss will be active while practising doing exercises

4. Competencies: Ss are interested in doing exercises

II. Main languages:

1. Vocabulary: words about science and technology.

2. Grammar: lexical items related the topic

III. Teaching aid: Text books, cassette, chalk, visual pictures and some boards.

IV. Procedures

Teacher’s activities

Ss’ activities


Warm – up.( 7’)

Ask Ss to tell something about science and technology.




1. Listen to the conversatin and choose the best summary

- Have Ss read the three options.

- Then play the recording and elicit the answer from Ss.

2. Listen again to the conversation between Nick, Duong, and Chau. Circle the words and phrases as you hear them

- Play the recording again, once or twice.

- Ask Ss to listen carefully and tick the words/ phrases according to what they hear in the passage.

3. Listen again and answer the questions.

- Play the recording again.

- Tell Ss to take notes/ write down the key words as they listen.

- Then they answer the questions in writing or verbally.

- Correct their answers as a class.


- Tell Ss to read the notes in the box carefully.

4. Look at the sample paragraph and fill the outline below.

- Have S read the sample paragraph.

- Explain that the first sentence in the sample is the topic sentence which tells the reader whether the author agrees or disagrees with the statement.

- The following sentences express the reasons.

- The last sentence is the concluding sentence, which summarises the main points in the paragraph.

- Now have Ss work in pairs to fill the outline.

- Check as a class.

5. Make notes, then write a paragraph on the following topic.

- Have Ss read the argument put forward.

- Then work in pairs to make notes using the model in 4.

- They must decide if they agree or disagree, give three supporting points, then conclude their argument.

- Move aroud to provide help.

- If time allows, have Ss work from their notes to write the paragraph in about 100 words.

- Make sure that they use proper connectors first/ firstly, second/ secondly, ... and pay attention to spelling and punctuation.

- T may collect some Ss’ work and mark them, then give comments to the class.

- Otherwise, help Ss develop a good outline for their writing and write the paragraph as homework.


Prepare for unit 11 lesson 7

Class work

Class work

- Ss work individually.

Ss work in pairs.

Ss work in pairs.

Audio script:

Nick: Hey, Duong and Chau, do you remember Dr. Nelson’s talk on science and technology?

Chau: Yes. He said that science and technology would help us solve the world’s problems in the future.

Nick: Right. I think world hunger is a problem now, and developing ways to ge high yields in farming will help feed the growing population on earth.

Duong: Good point. Also we may be able to live on other planets, so overcrowding won’t be a problem any more ...

Nick: And I like the idea of having lessons at home with a robot, and on the internet.

Duong: And no more paper books. We’ll have e-books, and tablets for everything.

Chau: That doesn’t sound like a benefit to me. I’d still want to go to school. I’d like to communicate face-to-face with teachers and friends. In my opinion, science and technology will bring new problems to people.

Duong: Like what?

Chau: Well, robots will bring unemployment, and high yields in farming may destroy the environment and sending people to Mars may cause pollution ...

Nick: You’re right. So many new problems ...

Group work

Group work

Warm – up.( 5’): Chatting



high yields

Key:b. The benefits and drawbacks that advances in science and technology may bring to people’s lives.

Key: 1. ,2. ,4, 6


1. High yields in farming will (help feed the growing population on earth).

2. (We may be able to live) on other planets.

3. He says he likes the idea of having lessons at home with a robot, and on the internet.

4. Yes, she does.

5. He thinks there will be many new problems.

I agree/ disagree with the idea that...

Firstly, Secondly

Furthermore, In addition...

In short/ For these reasons...

Period: 93 Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……


Lesson 7: Looking back & project

I. Objectives:

1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to:

- look back what they have learnt in Unit 11 through the exercises in the book

2. Skills: -Revise unit 11 with vocabulary , grammar

- Recycle the language from the previous sections

- Consolidate and apply what they have learnt in Unit 11

3. Attitude:Ss must have good co-operation in working .

4. Competencies:having good overview after a lesson

II. Main languages:

1. Vocabulary:

2. Grammar:

III. Teaching aid: Text books, cassette, chalk, visual pictures and some boards.

IV. Procedures

Teacher’s activities

Ss’ activities


Warm – up.( 7’)

- This is the review section of the unit

- Tell Ss to record their results for each exercise in the LOOKING BACK section in order to complete the final Finished! Now I can ... assessment.



I) Vocabulary

1. Write the correct form of the words in brackets.

- Ss can do the task by themselves or in pairs.

- Correct as a class.

- After that let some Ss read the sentences aloud.

2. Complete the word web with the fields that could benefit from science and technology

- Give Ss a few minutes to complete the word web.

- T may give some cues/ examples:

- Engineering

- Medicine

- Farming

- Space exploration

- Home life

- Communication

- Entertainment

- Architecture

- Energy

- Leisure


- Have Ss read out loud their answers.

3. Fill each gap with a word from the box to complete the passage.

- Let Ss read the passage and complete this exercise individually.

- Less advanced classes can complete this exercise in pairs.


II) Grammar

4. Change the sentences into reported speech

5. Rewrite these sentences in direct speech.

- First, let Ss repeat the rules of changing the pronouns, the verb(s), and time and place expression in reported speech.

- Have them do tasks 4 and 5 in their notebooks.

- Then call on some Ss to read their answers, sentence by sentences.

- Correct their answers.

Further practice(12’)

III) Communication

6. Write one prediction for each of the following fields, based on the cues and your own ideas. Then share it with the class.

- Tell them to be imaginative.

- Make sure they write a prediction for at least three of the fields.

- Have Ss read out one of their predictions to the class.

- Others can ask them questions about their prediction.

- This can also be done in small groups.


- Tasks Ss to complete the self-assessment.

- Discuss with the class what difficulties remain and what areas Ss have mastered.

- Provide further practice on the weak areas of the class.


Prepare for Review 4 lesson 1

Class work

Class work

Ss work in pairs.

Ss work individually

Ss work individually

Review: reported speech

Ss work individually

Review: reported speech

Ss work individually

Ss work individually.

Class work

Warm – up.( 5’): Chatting


















1. He said that they were doing an experiment.

2. She told me that I had to sign the paper again.

3. Tam said that they had watched a television documentary on the future of nuclear power.

4. They announced that the 10 o’clock flight to Kuala Lumpur would be an hour late.

5. Scientist said that in 50 years’ time we might be living on the moon.


1. Kien said, “I missed/ have missed the train.”

2. Duong said, “I can run very fast.”

3. “I’ll hand in the report tomorrow,” Mia told me.

4. She said, “I’m reading a science fiction book about life on Venus.”

5. “I’ll be a lawyer I grow up,” he told me.

Trên đây là Giáo án tuần 32 môn tiếng Anh 8 mới.

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