Giáo án tiếng Anh lớp 8 Tuần 31 sách mới

Admin 21 Tháng tám, 2019

Giáo án tiếng Anh lớp 8 chương trình mới Tuần 31

Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Tuần 31 lớp 8 mới dưới đây nằm trong tài liệu Giáo án lớp 8 môn tiếng Anh theo tuần do Tìm Đáp Án sưu tầm và đăng tải. Tài liệu tiếng Anh gồm chi tiết, thứ tự giảng dạy trong từng tiết học giúp quý thầy cô chuẩn bị trước khi lên lớp hiệu quả.

Period: 88 Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……


Lesson 2: A closer look 1

I. Objectives:

1. Knowledge:By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to:

- get acquainted with the topic about science and technology.

2. Skills: - listening,reading and writing.

3. Attitude:Ss will be active while practising doing exercises

4. Competencies:Ss are interested in doing exercises

II. Main languages:

1. Vocabulary: words about science and technology.

2. Grammar: lexical items related to the topic.

3. Pronunciation : - Stress in words starting with un- and im-

III. Teaching aid: Text books, cassette, chalk, visual pictures and some boards.

IV. Procedures

Teacher’s activities

Ss’ activities


Warm – up.( 5’)

- Explain to Ss that there are three common ways of forming nouns indicating people, but don’t say what they are.

- Write the following on the board:

to learn -->

to invent -->

science -->

- Try to elicit from Ss how these words are changed to mean a person who does these things.

- Now see if Ss can give some more examples.

- Finally, have Ss open their books and read the Look out! Box.



1. Complete the following sentences with nouns indicating people

- Do this activity the first time around as a quiz.

- Divide the class into two teams.

- Read out item one and ask Team A to answer.

- If they get it wrong, the option goes to Team B to answer.

- Keep a score on the board to increase the fun element.

- Now have Ss work individually to do the task in their books.

- Finally, ask some Ss to write the answers on the board.

- Correct their answers as a class.


2. Write a noun from the list under each picture.

- Ss work in pairs and discuss what the word is for each picture.

- T checks as a class.

- For more able Ss, have pairs write the descriptions of these people in the same style as activity 1.

- Then put pairs together to read out their descriptions and challenge each other to guess the person, like the quiz in 1.

3) Give the correct form of the words in brackets.

- T ask Ss to read the sentences and guess part of speech of the word to be filled each blank.

- Have Ss call out their guesses.

- Ask some Ss to write their answers on the board.

- Check their answers as a class.


Stress in words starting with un- and im-

- Explain to Ss that the prefixes un- and im- are used to make adjectives (and adverbs) negative.

- Explain to them that when these prefixes are added, the stress of the new word does not normally change.

- Give some examples.

4 Listen and repeat the following words. Mark the stressed syllables in the words.

- Play the recording for Ss to repeat the words.

- Play the recording as many times as necessary.

- Correct Ss’ pronunciation, especially the stress.

- Then have Ss mark the stress on the words by drawing circle above the stressed syllable.

5 Put the words from 4 in the right columns.

- Have Ss read out the words first.

- Then they work in groups to put the words in the right columns.

- Call on some Ss to write the answers on the board.

- Confirm the correct answers.

6 Fill the gaps with one of the words in 5. Listen and check, then read the sentences.

- Have Ss work individually to write down the words.

- Play the recording two or three times for Ss to check.


Prepare for unit 11 lesson 3

Class work

class work

v+ -er/ -or/ -ist = N

Individual work

- Ss work individually.

Ss work individually.

group work

individual work

Warm – up.( 5’): Chatting








1.chemist developer





























1. impure

2. unhealthy

3. impossible

4. unlimited

5. impatient

Period: 89 Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……


Lesson 3: A closer look 2

I. Objectives:

1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to:

- get acquainted with the topic about science and technology.

2. Skills: - listening,reading and writing.

3. Attitude: Ss will be active while practising doing exercises

4. Competencies: Ss are interested in doing exercises

II. Main languages:

1. Vocabulary: words about science and technology.

2. Grammar: - Future tenses.

- Reported speech.

III. Teaching aid: Text books, cassette, chalk, visual pictures and some boards.

IV. Procedures

Teacher’s activities

Ss’ activities


Warm – up.( 5’)

- Ss have already learned the future simple will do and the future continuous will be doing.

- Tell Ss that this is a review section.

- T may help Ss recall the form and uses of these two tenses.

- Also remind them of the uses of present simple and going to to express future actions.


1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses.

- Have Ss work individually.

- Check their answers as a class.

- T may ask why a certain tense is used to check that Ss understand the rules.

2. Work in pairs. Read the following predictions about the year 2040 and say whether you think it will happen.

- Tell Ss to study the example first.

- Then they work in pairs to do the activity.

- Encourage them to talk as much as possible.

- Remember that there is no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ as long as their sentences are grammatically correct.

- Move around the class and listen to Ss.

- If there is a point which everyone is confused about, bring the class back together and do a quick review of it.

Reported speech:

- Explain to Ss the differences between direct speech and reported speech.

- Go through the table carefully, using the examples to clarify the rules.


3) Look at the conservation in GETTING STARTED again. Find and underline the examples of reported speech.

- Tell Ss to refer back to the conversation in GETTING STARTED and find the examples of reported speech.

- Focus them on the use of the verbs.

4- Complete sentence b in each pair so that it means the same as sentence a, using reported speech.

- Ss work in pairs.

- Ask them to write down the sentences in their notebooks.

- Call on some Ss to read out what they have done.

- For a class which needs more support, have two Ss write their answers on the board.

- Correct their mistakes.

5 Change the following sentences into reported speech, using the words given in brackets.

- Ss do this task individually.

- While they are working, some Ss may write their sentences on the board.

- Correct their sentences as a class.

Further practice(17’)


- This speaking activity could be daunting for some Ss, so allow the pairs to plan what they are going to say before they come to the front of the class.

- This should help Ss to speak with fluency and accuracy, and as naturally as possible.

- Encourage them to give true sentences about themselves.

- Ideally, all Ss should have a chance to talk before the class.


Prepare for unit 11 lesson 4

Class work

- Ss work individually.

will + V

will be + V-ing

- They work in pairs to do the activity.

Individual work

- Ss work in pairs.

Ss work individually.


Warm – up.( 5’): Chatting


1.will have

2.will be working

3.will she be

4.won’t pass

5.decide;will support


Well, my dad told me that only robots would work in factories and clean our homes in the future.

Our science teacher said that there would be no more schools: we’d just stay at home and learn on the internet.


1. Nick said that he came from a small town in England.

2. My friend said that Brazil would win The World Cup.

3. Olive told Chau that she was leaving Viet Nam the next day/ the following day.

4. David told Catherine that he was unable to read her writing.

5. Minh said that he had overslept that morning.


1. He said (that) he hadn’t said anything at the meeting the week before/ the previous week.

2. She told me that letter had been opened.

3. Tom said that in 50 years’ time we would probably be living on Mars.

4. Mi said she hoped they would build a city out at sea.

5. Son told us that his wish was to become a young inventor.

Period: 90 Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……


Lesson 4: Communication

I. Objectives:

1. Knowledge:By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to:

- talk about the role of science and technology.

2. Skills: - speaking

3. Attitude:Ss will be active while practising doing exercises

4. Competencies:Ss are interested in doing exercises

II. Main languages:

1. Vocabulary: words about science and technology.

2. Grammar:

III. Teaching aid: Text books, cassette, chalk, visual pictures and some boards.

IV. Procedures

Teacher’s activities

Ss’ activities


Warm – up.( 5’)

- Quickly revie the grammar points that are used in this section; the past simple and reported speech.




1- Match the inventors in A with their inventions in B.

- This activity can be done as a class competition.

- Ss work individually.

- Give them one minute to match by drawing lines from the inventors to the inventions.

- For increased fun, count down the final 10 seconds and then tell everyone to stop.

- Now have Ss swap books and mark each other’s answers.

- Elicit the answers from Ss in full sentences, Thomas Edison invented the ligh bulb.

- Ask for a show of hands for those who got all eight right, then seven, and so on.

- If time allows, T may ask questions about these inventors to find out what

Ss know about them

2. Work in groups. Discuss the question: Which invention is more useful?

- Form groups of three or four Ss to discuss the inventions.

- Encourage Ss to talk as much as possible; this is a fluency state, so don’t worry about accuracy at this point.

- Move around the groups and give assistance where needed.

- Invite some groups to present their ideas.

- Other groups can add some ideas if possible.

3a. Ha had an interesting dream last night in which she met and interviewed Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone.

3b Two days later, Ha told her friend what Alexander Bell said. Now report what Ha told her friend, using reported speech.

- Call on two confident Ss to come to the front and act out the dialogue between Ha and Alexander Graham Bell.

- Then put Ss into pairs to report on the conversation.

- Have Ss make notes of their answers to the two questions in the interview.


4. Work in pairs. One of you is a reporter, and the other is Tim Bernes- Lee. Role-play, using the information given.

- Let Ss work in pairs to role-play, using the information given.

- Walk around to observe and give help if needed.

- If time allows, ask some pairs to role-play in front of the class.

- The class then votes for the best performance.


Prepare for unit 11 lesson 5

Class work

Class work

- Ss work individually.

-Ss answer questions:

+ Are they still alive/ dead?

+ What are they famous for?

+ Do you know anything interesting about them?

+ Do you know any interesting sayings by them? (Graham Bell: ‘Self-education is a lifelong affair.’/ Thomas Edison: ‘Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.’...)

Group work

Ss work in pairs.


Warm – up.( 5’): Review


the light bulb


the internet

the telephone

the airplane


- Thomas Edison invented the light bulb.

- Sir Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin.

- Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone.

- The Wright brothers invented the airplane.

- James Watt invented the steam engine.

- Mark Zuckerberg invented Facebook.

- Tim Berners – Lee invented the Internet.

Suggested answers:

- Alexander Bell said/ told me (that) he was born in 1847 in Scotland.

- He said/ told me (that) he had always liked ...

- He said/ told me (that) he had taught ...

- He said/ told me (that) he had invented ...

Trên đây là Giáo án tuần 31 môn tiếng Anh 8 mới.

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