Giáo án tiếng Anh lớp 8 Tuần 23 sách mới

Admin 20 Tháng tám, 2019

Giáo án tiếng Anh lớp 8 chương trình mới Tuần 23

Nằm trong bộ tài liệu Giáo án môn lớp 8 môn Tiếng Anh theo tuần, giáo án tuần 23 môn tiếng Anh 8 thí điểm với nội dung được biên soạn kỹ lưỡng giúp quý thầy cô soạn bài nhanh và hiệu quả hơn.

Period: 64 Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……


Lesson 3: A closer look 2

I. Objectives:

1. Knowledge:By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to :

- know how to use the grammar points correctly.

2. Skills: Speaking, Listening and writing.

3. Attitude: Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation

4. Competencies: Presenting opinions and giving comments to others’ opinions

Main languages:

Vocabulary: words related to the topic

2. Grammar: Present tenses.

III. Teaching aid: lesson plan , visual pictures

IV. Procedures

Teacher’s activities

Ss’ activities


Warm – up.( 5’)

T asks Ss to tell something they’ve known about English speaking countries.


Grammar points:

present simple, present continuous or present perfect tense ( the uses and the forms)

Practice (20’)

1. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs ( present simple, present continuous or present perfect tense)

Remind Ss about the use of the present simple, present continuous and present perfect and their distinct time signals. Then let them do 1 individually. Allow Ss to share ideas in pairs or small groups. Encourage Ss to explain how they decided on the tense in each sentence. Correct as a class.

2. Four of the underlined verbs in the passage are incorrect tense. Find and correct them.

Check, and have Ss explain why a certain tense is used.

3a. Read the schedule and underline the verbs in the sentences describing the activities.

Ask Ss to read the monthly schedule for the extra activities at Vancouver Christian School. Then have them underline the verbs in the sentences.

3b. Work in groups. Discuss the questions.

Allow Ss time to discuss and find the answers to the questions. If Ss are having difficulty answering question 2, T may ask questions such as ‘Is a schedule usually for present or future activities?’ Then have Ss read the REMEMBER! Box.

4. Use the verbs in the box in the correct forms to complete the sentences describing other activities.

T check the answers as a class.

Further practice (7’)

5. Make notes of some activities your school has planned for next week. Write five sentences about the activities, using the simple present with a future meaning.

T encourages them to be imaginative. Walk around and help Ss with new vocabulary. Ss can exchange and talk about their schedule with a partner first. Once they have done this, ask them to write down the sentences. Remind Ss that in this case, the present simple is used to talk about practical information: place, time, day, date, so this should be the focus of their sentences. If time allows, let them share with the class. Otherwise, T may set the writing for homework.


Prepare for unit 8 lesson 4

+whole class.

+whole class.

Ss work individually

Ss work individually first. Then share and discuss in pairs or small groups.

whole class

Ss work in groups


We use the present simple with a future meaning when we talk about schedules, programmes, ect ( for example: public transport, cinemas, television, school….)


+ The train to Bristol leaves at 11.45 from platform four.

+ Our school year starts next week on September 5 th.

Ss s work individually.

Ss do this exercise independently.

Ss can use the sentences in 4 as a model.

Warm – up.( 5’): Review

Key: 1. has served 2. is increasing 3. symbolizes 4. from 5. has celebrated 6. is


In the passage

2. visit à have visited

3. increases à is increasing

5. has celebrates à celebrates

7. are dancing àdance

Present simple for the future


1. The Debating Competition takes place in the Main Hall on April 3 rd.

2. The bus for the excursion to the chocolate factory leaves at 8.00 a.m os April 14th.

Key: 1. The future 2. The present simple


1. starts – finishes

2. taken place

3. holds

4. hosts

5. Lasts

Period: 65 Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……


Lesson 4: Communication

I. Objectives:

1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to :

- have some general knowledge of peoples and landmarks in English speaking countries.

2. Skills: Speaking, Reading and writing.

3. Attitude: Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation

4. Competencies: Presenting opinions and giving comments to others’ opinions

II. Main languages:

1. Vocabulary: words related to the topic

2. Grammar: Present tenses.

III. Teaching aid: lesson plan , visual pictures

IV. Procedures

Teacher’s activities

Ss’ activities


Warm – up.( 5’)

T can start with a brainstorming session to see how much Ss know about English speaking countries. Encourage Ss to talk in English.


Pre-teach vocab:

Tell Ss that in this lesson they will have the opportunity to explore peoples and landmarks in English speaking countries.

- T goes trough the extra vocabulary with Ss. If Ss do not know any word in the box, T quick teaches it.

While-speaking (20’)

1. Do the quiz and choose the correct answers.

Have Ss do the quiz individually as quickly as possible. Set a time limit to keep the pace lively and increase the fun element. Ss then share their answers in pairs or small groups and discuss where their answers differ. Check as a class by asking for a show of hands for each question. Note that the quiz format should be kept light and fun.

2. Write the names of the countries next to the facts.

T confirms the correct answers as a class.

Both activities 1 and 2 are to confirm and broaden Ss’ knowledge of English speaking countries and focus on English fluency. Encourage them to discuss with one another. The experience will be more meaningful this way.

Further practice (7’)

3. GAME: How much do you know about a country?

a. Work in groups. Choose a country and together find out as much about it as possible.. Then prepare a small introduction of that country. Don’t say the name of the country.

Explain that now they have a chance to put together what they know about a country, including all the information they have got so far from the lesson too. Ask them to write the information in short notes first without mentioning the name of the country (e.g: -far north/ north America; -cold; -two languages: English and French…).

b. Each group then presents their introduction to the class. The class…

Ask each group to stand up in font of the class. Each member of the group will give one fact about the country. When they have finished, the rest of the class can guess what country it is. Where every group has done their presentation, the class can vote for the most informative and interesting one.


Prepare for unit 8 lesson 5

+whole class.

+whole class.

Ss work individually first. Then share and share their answers in pairs

whole class

Ss work independently. Then Ss compare their answers in pairs.

Ss work in groups of five or six.

Ss present their introduction to the class

Warm – up.( 5’): Brainstorming: English speaking countries


+ territory (n): land that is under the control of a particular country.

+ North Pole (n): the point on the surface of the Earth that is furthest north.

+ Arctic Circle (n): an invisible ring on the most northern part of our planet, including the Arctic region; the center of the Arctic Circle is the North Pole.


1. C 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. B 6. B 7. C

8. A 9. B 10. A


1. the USA 2. New Zealand

3. The United Kingdom 4. Canada

5. Australia

Period: 66 Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……


Lesson 5: Skills 1

I. Objectives:

1. Knowledge:By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to :

+ Read for specific information about the attractions of a country.

+ Talk about interesting facts of a country.

2. Skills: Speaking, Reading

3. Attitude:Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation

4. Competencies:Presenting opinions and giving comments to others’ opinions

II. Main languages:

1. Vocabulary: extra words related to the topic: English speaking countries

2. Grammar: Present tenses.

III. Teaching aid: lesson plan , visual pictures

IV. Procedures

Teacher’s activities

Ss’ activities


Warm – up.( 5’)

- Ask Ss to tell about How much you know about a country.


Pre-teach vocab:

1. Discuss the questions. Then read the passage.

1. Where is Scotland?

2. What is this land famous for?

Allow Ss two or three minutes to discuss the questions. Draw a map of Great Britain and highlight Scotland on the map. Leave it on the board while the class reads the passage silently. T may ask Ss to underline the things that Scotland is famous for.

While-reading (15’)

2. Match each place or event with its two features.

Ask Ss to read the passage again. Ask them to scan the places first. Read carefully the information about each place and choose the two features related to it.

Ask Ss to call out their answers and show where the information appears.

3. Read the passage again and answer the questions

T may invite two Ss to write their answers on the board. Confirm the correct answers. For a more able class, T may ask Ss to answer the questions without reading the passage again.

Post-reading (12’)


T asks Ss some questions.

4. Work in pairs. Talk about the thing(s) you like most about Scotland. Give reasons.

Give Ss a minute to think about the thing they like most about Scotland, and prepare their reasons. They then work in pairs, asking and answering about their choice. If time allows, call on some pairs to share with the class. Encourage Ss come up with more questions about Scotland.

5. Work in groups. Read and discuss these interesting facts about Australia. Prepare a short introduction of Australia. Then present it to the class.

Ask them to look through the interesting facts, and discuss if there is any piece of information they are not clear about. Check as a class to make sure that the information is understood correctly. Only then can Ss start working on preparation for their presentation. Tell them that they can add some facts they know, or delete some facts they do not like from the provided notes. Then call on some groups to present. The class may then vote for the best presentation.


Prepare for unit 8 lesson 6

+whole class.

+whole class.

Ss work in pairs

Ss call out their answers and say where they found the information in the passage.

Ss work individually, then check their work in pairs.

Ss read the passage again and write out the answers independently.

Whole class

Ss work in pairs

Ss work in small groups.

Warm – up.( 5’): Chatting


+ haunt (v)

+ piping (n)

+ fire brigade (n)


1. It’s in the north of Great Britain.

2. Any or all of the following: It’s famous for its rich and unique culture as well as its amazing natural beauty, its historic castles, its traditional festivals, and its whisky.It is also famous for various inventions.

Key: 1. Edinburgh: d, f

2. Castles: a, c

3. Highland Game: b, h

4. Lochs: e, g


1. Yes, it is.

2. A ghost

3. Piping, drumming, dancing

4. the telephone, television, penicillin, the rain coat

5. In 1824


+ What do you like about Scotland?

I like the castles

+ Why?

Because I want to see the ghost.

AUSTRALIA- interesting facts:

- world’s only country which covers an entire continent.

- world’s capital of sports and outdoor activities( 70% of the population regularly participate)

- world’s longest fence(5,400 km; built to protect world’s largest population of sheep( about 175 million); claimed to be seen from outer space.

- world’s largest cattle station( Ann Creek station); larger than Belgium.

Trên đây là Giáo án tuần 23 môn tiếng Anh 8 mới.

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