Giáo án tiếng Anh lớp 8 Tuần 11 sách mới

Admin 13 Tháng tám, 2019

Giáo án tiếng Anh lớp 8 chương trình mới Tuần 11

Nằm trong tài liệu Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh 8 theo tuần, giáo án Tiếng Anh mới thí điểm Tuần 11 dưới đây do Tìm Đáp Án sưu tầm và đăng tải. Nội dung giáo án trình bày chi tiết và khoa học giúp giáo viên dễ dàng truyền tải bài giảng đến học sinh.

Period: 31 Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……


Lesson 7: Looking back & project

I. Objectives:

1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to :

- Use action verbs to talk about a traditional dance

- Use : should and shouldn’t , have to

- Pronounce the words containing cluters/ sk/ , / sp/ , and / st/

2. Skills: Speaking , writing

3. Attitude:Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation

4. Competencies:Presenting opinions and giving comments to others’ opinions

II. Main languages:

1.Vocabulary: Words related to the topic

2.Grammatical structure: lexical items related to the topic

III. Teaching aid: lesson plan , visual pictures

  1. Procedures

Teacher’s activities

Ss’ activities


Warm – up.( 5’)

Ask sts to come to the board to write as many customs and traditions they know as possible.



Activity 1

Ask sts to complete the exercise individually

Ask them to share the answers with their partner

Ask them to give the answer with the whole class

Give the correct answers.

Activity 2:

- Have sts read through the expressions .

- Ask sts to work individually

Ask them to compare the answers with their partners

Check and confirm the correct answers

Give comments

Activity 3: Complete the wordwebs

Set a time limit for this activity about 5’

Ask sts to write down as many family and social customs and traditions in the worwebs as possible

T and others give comments on the answers



Activity 4: Complete the sentences

Ask sts to complete the exercise individually

Ask them to share the answers with their partner

Ask them to give the answer with the whole class

Give the correct answers.

Activity 5:Underline one mistake

T: Ask sts to complete the exercise individually

Ask them to share the answers with their partner

Ask them to give the answer with the whole class

Give the correct answers

Further practice (7’)


Activity 6: Game “ What should I do”

Ask sts to work in groups , take turn to choose one of the scenarios for each other.

The secretary writes down the advice each member gives

The group votes for the person giving the best advice

- T can conduct if there is time left.


Prepare Unit 5 lesson 1

Class work

Individual work

Individual work

Some expressions:

- There’s a tradition that..

-According to tradition…

- follow the tradition of..

- break with tradition by….

- have the custom of…

Individual work

Individual work

Individual work

Group work

Warm – up.( 5’): Review


1- respect 2- worshipping 3- wrap 4- host 5- cutlery 6- generations


1- should wait

2- shouldn’t write 3- shouldn’t break

4- should follow

5- shouldn’t touch


1- has to -> . have to

2- should -> shouldn’t

3- have to has -> have to have

4- should to -> should

5.have avoid - > have to avoid


By the end of the unit, Ss will be able to:

- Stress correctly multy- syllable words with –ion and – ian endings.

- Use the lexical items related to the topic “ Festivals in Viet Nam”.

- Use simple and compound sentence.

- Review complex sentences.

- Write complex sentences using subordinators because, if, when, although, even though.

- Talk about festivals.

- Listen for specific information about festivals.

- Read for specific information about festivals.

- Write about festival Ss like or have been to.

Period: 32 Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……


Lesson 1: Getting started

I. Objectives:

1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to :

- get some information about the festivals in Viet Nam

2. Skills: Speaking , writing

3. Attitude:Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation

4. Competencies:Presenting opinions and giving comments to others’ opinions

II. Main languages:

1.Vocabulary: Vocabularies related to festivals.

2.Grammatical structure: lexical items related to the topic

III. Teaching aid: lesson plan , visual pictures

1. Procedures

Teacher’s activities

Ss’ activities


Warm – up.( 5’)

Give some pictures of some festivals in the world as well as in Viet Nam to help students know more about the festivals before leading to the Getting started



Set the scene:

Activity 1: Listen and read

Ask Sts to look at the picture in Getting started and the heading Which festival should I see? Ask Sts some questions:

1. Where are Duong and Peter?

2. What are they doing?

3. What might they be taking about?

Ss: Answer the questions

T: Quickly write Ss’ answers on the board

- Play the recording

Ss: Listen and read the dialogue

T: Ask Ss if their guesses on the board are correct


1a/ Tick True or false

T: Ask Ss to do Ex individually

T: Ask them to share the answers with their partner

T: Ask one to give the answers

S: Write the answers on the board, others correct then give their explanation.

1b/ Answer

T: Ask sts to answer the questions orally without reading the dialogue

Ss: Ask and answer in pairs

T: Call two Ss write on the board

Ss: Write the answers on the board

T: Ask them to read the conversation and check the answers

Ss: Read then check the answers

T: Call Ss to correct

1c/ Find the following in the conversation and explain the meaning.

- Ask sts to look at the dialouge again and underline the phrases

- Have sts use the context to try to explain when they may use the phrases.

- Call sts to explain each phrase before class and others remark.

d/ Make short conversations with the four expressions in C.

- Have sts role-play, practising the phrases in C.

- Call on some pairs to perform to the class.

Activity 3: Match the words with the pictures of the festivals

- Ask sts to look at the pictures and guess which festival it is.

- Have sts read the names of the festivals in the box and work individually, match the names of the festivals with the appropriate pictures.

then cross check with a partner.

Activity 4: Match the festivals in 3 with their description.

- Ask sts to read all the description in the box. -

- Have sts work in pairs, matching the descriptions of the festivals with their names.

- Call sts to give their answer and T check sts' answers.

Further practice (7’)

Game : Festivals

T: Ask Ss to work in groups of four

Set a time limit of five minutes

S: Write down as many festivals as possible

The groups with the most festivals is the winner

T: Ask the winning group to present one of the festivals.

Other groups add some more if they can


Prepare Unit 5 lesson 2

Class work

Class Work

Individual work

Individual work

Pair work

Individual work

Pair work

T: Why don't you come with us to the Lim festival

S: sounds great.

T: you won't regret it.

S: Are you sure?

T: Of course.

Pair work

a. ceremony


c. reunion

d. procession

e. carnaval

f. performance

Individual work

Group work

Warm – up.( 5’): Review


oriental, reunion, regret, bamboo swings, wristling, dragon boat.


1- T

2- T

3- F

4. F

5. T


1. In April. They can see a grand opening ceremony, ao dai fashion show, Dem Phuong Dong or oriental night show, royal court music performances........and sport activities.

2. Duong's family prepare a five-fruit tray and chung cake.

3. Because there are many interesting things to see and enjoy, it would take too long to describe them.

4. In Bac Ninh, on 12th of the first lunar month.

5. Because it is near Ha Noi, it takes place right after Tet holiday and is full


1. Used as suggestion or give advice.

2. Sounds +adj: used to give your first impression of what you hear

3. To stress that it is worth spending time or money doing something

4. To show surprise and to check that something is really ok to do.


1.d 2.a 3.c 4.b 5.e 6.f


1.c 2.b 3.e 4.d 5.a

Period: 33 Date of planning: ……/……/……

Date of teaching: ……/……/……


Lesson 2: A closer look 1

I. Objectives:

1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to :

- Practice the vocabulary and pronunciation of the unit

2. Skills: Speaking , writing

3. Attitude: Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation

4. Competencies: Presenting opinions and giving comments to others’ opinions

II. Main languages:

1. Vocabulary: Vocabularies related to festivals.

2. Grammatical structure: lexical items related to the topic

3. Sounds: / ion / , / ian /

III. Teaching aid: lesson plan , visual pictures

1. Procedures

Teacher’s activities

Ss’ activities


Warm – up.( 5’)

Ask sts to call out some festivals they remember from the previous lesson. Tell them that in this lesson they are going to learn some expressions with the word related to the topic



Checking vocab:

Activity 1: Match

T: Ask Sts to read the first halves of sentences in column A them with the second halves in column B

S: work in individually then compare with their partner

T: Ask them to give the answers

S: Compare the answers with their friends’ on the board then give the correct answers.


Activity 2: Complete the sentences using words in 1.

T: Ask Sts to work in individual

Ss: Work individually

T: Ask some Ss to give the answers

Ss: Sts write the correct answers on the board

T: Ask the whole class to give comment

Ss: Give comment and correct

T: Ask Sts to read the whole expressions

Activity 3:Match the nouns with each verb. A noun can go with more than one word

T: Ask Ss to work in pairs to match verbs with nouns on a piece of paper the swap the answers with another pair to check.

Ss: Work in pairs

T: Ask them to give their ideas

Ss: Remark and give comments

Post- listening (12’)

Activity 4 a: Look at the table below what can you notice about these words.

T: Ask Sts to look at the word list. Then ask " What do you notice about the endings?" How many syllable does each word have?"

- Have sts answer and sum up.

T: Model stress in different words with the ending -ion and-ian. Ask sts to look at the rules in the Remember box. Discuss the rule with the class and elicit some pronunciations from Ss.

T: Remember : With the words ending in the suffix -ion and- ian the syllable immediately before the suffix

Activity 4b: Listen and repeat the words.

T: Play the recording and ask sts to listen and repeat the words, pay attention to the stress on the syllable immediately before the ending -ion and -ian.

T: Call some Sts to read the words they hear aloud, pay attention to the stress of the words.

T: Correct their pronunciation

Activity 5: listen and stress the words below.

T: Play the recording and ask Sts to listen to the recording and stress the words. Ask them to pay attention to the stress on the syllables immediately before the ending-ion and - ian.

S: Listen then compare the answers with their partner

T: Ask them to give the answers then play the recording again to check their answers


Prepare Unit 5 lesson 3

Class work

Class Work

Individual work

Individual work

Pair work

Stress of words ending in-ion and-ian

Individual work

Individual work

Individual work

Warm – up.( 5’): Review


preserve, ritual, commemorate, incense, procession, companion,politician.


1. c 2.e 3. a 4. b 5.d


1- commemorate

2- worship

3- preserve

4- ritual



1. Watch: ....a ceremony, a show

2. Have... (all can fit)

3. Worship: ...... a god, a hero

4. Perform: ..... a ritual, a ceremony, a show.

-Stress of words ending in-ion and-ian


1. They are all words with more than two syllables.

2. They end with the suffix -ion and -ian


- competition

- commemoration

- procession

- preservation

- confusion






1. pro'cession

2. com'panion

3. pro'duction

4. compe'tition

5. poli'tician

6. mu'sician

7. his'torian

8. lib'rarian

Trên đây là Giáo án tuần 11 môn tiếng Anh 8 mới.

Xem thêm giáo án tiếng Anh 8 cả năm tại: Giáo án tiếng Anh 8 chương trình mới cả năm. Mời bạn đọc tham khảo thêm nhiều tài liệu ôn tập Tiếng Anh 8 cả năm khác như: Để học tốt Tiếng Anh 8, Trắc nghiệm trực tuyến Tiếng Anh 8, Đề thi học kì 1 lớp 8, Đề thi học kì 2 lớp 8,.... được cập nhật liên tục trên Tìm Đáp Án.

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