Giáo án tiếng Anh lớp 6 Tuần 30 sách mới

Admin 20 Tháng một, 2021

Giáo án tiếng Anh lớp 6 chương trình mới Tuần 30

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Tuần 30 lớp 6 thí điểm dưới đây nằm trong tài liệu Giáo án lớp 6 môn tiếng Anh theo tuần do Tìm Đáp Án sưu tầm và đăng tải. Tài liệu tiếng Anh gồm đầy đủ mục tiêu bài học, phương pháp giảng dạy theo trình tự giúp nâng cao chất lượng bài giảng.

Week 30

Period 85



Section 6: Skill 2


By the end of the lesson, students can listen for specific details including facts and figures and write a holiday postcard

1. Knowledge:

*Vocabulary: items related to the topic “our house in the future”

*Structures: Will + V for the future and might + V for future possibility

2. Skills:Listening, speaking, writing and reading.

3. Attitude: Ss pay attention the lesson, study in a serious and strict manner and be self-conscious


Teacher:Text-book, lesson plan, real things...

Students:Text-books, notebooks...


1. Organization

- Greeting

- Checking attendance

2. Checkup the old lesson

3. New lesson: (40')

Activity 1: Presentation (15’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


- Ask SS to look at the title of exercise 1, then ask:

* What will you listen a conversation or a passage?

* What information must you notice?

* Which house Nick would prefer, and which house Linda would prefer

- Play the recording once

- SS listen and give their answer


1: Listen to Nick and Linda talking about their dream houses. Which house would each prefer.

Linda: picture 3

Nick: picture 2

Activity 2: Practice (15’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


- Ask SS to look at the title of exercise 1, then ask:

*What information must you notice?

* Read 7 phrases then decide what is important to Nick and what is important to Linda.

- Let SS read the 7 phrases and explain new words ( view, cable T.V)

- Play the recording once

- SS listen and give their answer

- Get feedback and correct if necessary

-Ask SS to work in pairs. Discuss about their dream houses using the suggested ideas

- Ss fill in the table , using the information they have discussed

2.Listen again. What is important to Nick? What is important to Linda?.



3. sea view

4, swimming pool

5. garden

7. quiet

1. park view

2. city view

6. cable T.V

II. Writing

3.Work in pairs. Discuss the following ideas about your dream house.

4.Fill in the table about your dream house.

Activity 3: Pronunciation (10’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


- Allow SS time to write about their dream houses, using the suggested ideas/ information in 3 and 4. Remind SS to use Will + VBI and might + VBI .

- Show some writings on the board, then the class can give their comments.

5. Write about your dream house

4. Consolidation (3’)

-T reminds the content of the lesson

5. Homework :( 2’)

- Learn by heard the words

- Do home work

- Prepare “Looking back & Project”

Week 30

Period 86



Section 7: Looking back & Project


By the end of this lesson, students can remember and use what they have learnt during the unit to help them to do each exercise so that Ss can use that information to complete the self- assessment box at the end of the unit.

1. Knowledge:

*Vocabulary: items related to the topic “our house in the future”

*Structures: Will + V for the future and might + V for future possibility

2. Skills:Listening, speaking, writing and reading.

3. Attitude: Ss pay attention the lesson, study in a serious and strict manner and be self-conscious


Teacher:Text-book, lesson plan, real things...

Students:Text-books, notebooks...


1. Organization: (1')

- Greeting

- Checking attendance

2. Checkup the old lesson: (3’)


- T. asks Ss some questions about

their dream houses in the future

3. New lesson: (38')

Activity 1: Presentation (10’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


-Ask SS to write the words that match the pictures and compare their answers with a partner.

- Some SS read the words aloud, T checks their answers.

-Ask Ss to work in groups to complete the table.

- Get feedbacks and correct if necessary


1.Write the correct words under pictures


automatic dishwasher

wireless T.V

automatic washing machine

modern fridge

smart clock

2. Think about what the appliances will do in the future.

1. robot

Clean our houses, wash the dishes, feed the animals, cook meals

2. Automatic washing machine

Wash and dry clothes, iron clothes

3. wireless T.V

Help us surf the internet, watch programmes from space, tell the time…

4. super car

Can go on ground, on water and can fly

5. Smart clock

Can tell the time, help us to listen to music, wake us up

Activity 2: Practice (15’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


-Ask Ss to do the exercise individually. Then SS check their answers with their partner

- Get feedbacks and correct if necessary

- Ask Ss to do the exercise individually. Then SS check their answers with their partner

- Get feedbacks and correct if necessary


2.Complete the sentences with WILL/ WON’T

1. won’t

2. will

3. will

4. won’t

5. will

6. won’t

4. Complete the sentences with MIGHT/ MIGHTN’T

1. might

2. might

3. might not

4. might not

5. might


Activity 3 : Production (10’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


-Ask Ss to work in pairs- ask and answer about the information in 2

- Call some pairs to perform before class.

- Correct if necessary.


5.Ask and answer the questions using the information in 2


A: will robots clean your house in the future?

B: Yes, they will

Finished! Now you can………

4. Consolidation :( 2’)

- T asks one student to repeat the main contents of the lesson.

5. Homework :( 1’)

-Prepare for the next lesson: “Unit 11-Getting Started”

-Learn by heart all new words.

-Do the projects

Week 30

Period 87


Section 1: Getting Started

Let’s go green!


By the end of this lesson, students can use vocabulary and structure to talk about tips on how to “go green”.

1. Knowledge:

* Vocabulary: the lexical items related to the topic “Our greener world”.

*Structures: Conditional sentences – type 1

2. Skills:Practice and develop listening, reading and speaking skills .

3. Attitude: educate students be interested in learning English more.


Teacher:Text-book, lesson plan, real things...

Students:Text-books, notebooks...


1. Organization: (1')

- Greeting

- Checking attendance

2. Checkup the old lesson:

3. Newlesson: (41')

Activity 1: Warm-up (6’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


*Checking the old lesson

Ask Ss describe their future houses

Activity 2: Presentation (10’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


- Ask Ss to look at the picture and answer the questions.

- Quickly write Ss’ answers to question 3 on the board.

- Play the recording.

- Ask Ss if their guesses on the board are correct.

I.Listen and read


1. Who are they?

2. Where are they?

3. What might they be talking about?

Activity 3:Practice (20’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


- Ask Ss to work independently.

- Allow them to share answers before discussing as class.

- Write the correct answers on the board.

- Ask Ss to give their answers without reading the conversation again. Then ask them to read the conversation and check their answers.

- Confirm the correct answers.

- T asks SS to read the conversation again to find the expressions.

- Ask Ss to guess the meaning of each expression. Explain the meaning if necessary.

- Have Ss work in pairs to put a suitable expression in each blank and then practice the conversation.

- Check Ss’ answers by asking some pairs to act out the conversation.

- Ask Ss to so this exercise individually then compare their answers with a classmate.

- Play the recording for Ss to listen, check and repeat their answers.

- Ask Ss to match the causes in Column A with the effects in column B.


1a.Read the conversation again and complete the following sentences. Use no more than three words in each blank.


1. on a picnic

2. reusable; natural

3. the check-out

4. a reusable

5. cycling

1b. Base on the ideas in the conversation, match the first half of the sentence in column A with its second half in column B.


1. b 2. c 3.a

1c. Find the expressions in the conversation. Check what they mean.


1. I understand.

2. Used to introduce a new subject for consideration or to give further information.

3. Used to say ‘no’ or ‘not’ strongly.

1d. Fill each blank with a suitable expression.


1. I see

2. Not at all

3. By the way

2.There are a lot of environmental problems today. Write each problem in the box under the picture.


1. soil pollution

2. deforestation

3. water pollution

4. noise pollution

5. air pollution

3. Now, listen, check and repeat the answers.

Watch out!

To express effects we can use the structures ‘to make sth/sb do sth’ or ‘to cause sth’.

4. Match the causes in Column A with the effects in column B.


1. b 2. d 3. e 4.c 5.a

Activity 4 : Production (5’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


- Have Ss to work in group of six and follow the steps to play the game.

-Ss work in groups

5. Game

Which group is the winner?

4. Consolidation :( 2’)

- T asks one student to repeat the main contents of the lesson.

5. Homework :( 1’)

-Prepare for the next lesson: Unit 11: Closer look 1.

-Practise reading the dialogue fluently.

-Learn by heart all new words.

Trên đây là Giáo án tuần 30 môn tiếng Anh 6 mới.

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