Giáo án tiếng Anh lớp 6 Tuần 3 sách mới

Admin 20 Tháng một, 2021

Giáo án tiếng Anh lớp 6 chương trình mới Tuần 3

Nằm trong bộ tài liệu Giáo án môn tiếng Anh lớp 6 năm 2019 - 2020, tài liệu giáo án lớp 6 tuần 3 môn tiếng Anh sách mới dưới đây gồm chi tiết 3 bài học trong tuần 3: Skill 1; Skill 2; Looking back and Project Unit 1: My new school. Mời quý thầy cô tham khảo, download!

Week 3

Period 7


Section 5: Skill 1


At the end of the lesson students will be able to :

- Read for specific information about schools, and read e-mails and web pages.

- Talk about school activities, subjects, and what Ss do at school.

1. Knowledge

*Grammar: The simple present, the present continuous

* Vocabulary: School lexical items

2. Skills: speaking and reading

3. Attitude: pay attention, study in a serious and strict manner


- Teacher:Textbook, board, pictures, tape, recorder.

- Students:Textbook, notebook, pen…


1. Checkup attendance.

2. Checkup the old lesson

3. New lesson

Activity 1 : Warm-up (5’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


What do you like or dislikes about our school?

* Chatting:

Activity 2 : Pre-reading (15’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


-T introduces the new works

- Ss repeat in chorus and individually

- Ss copy all the words

* Checking technique: Slap the board

-T asks Ss to look at the three pictures then give their ideas about the schools in the pictures.

-T encourages Ss to give as many ideas as possible.


- Boarding school (n)

- Kindergarten ['kində,gɑ:tnə] (n)

- Overseas [,ouvə'si:z] (adj, adv)

- Equipment (n)

- Join= take part in (v)

- Club (n)


Eg:-In PLC Sydney school, I can see some girls are practicing doing something. So I think it is a comfortable school. It is a very good school.

Activity 3: While-reading (20’)

Teacher’s and Ss’activities


-Let Ss read the three passages to check their ideas.

-Ss do the task individually in 5 minutes

-Note some information.

-Ask Ss to read the passages again, then find the words in the passages. Help Ss to understand the meaning of the words: explaining or examples or the Vietnamese equivalent.

-Ss should pay attention to the context of the words.

-Ask Ss to read the text again to find words to finish the sentences.

-Let Ss note where they found the information that helped them complete sentences.

-Ss can discuss and compare with their friends.

-Correct the answer then let Ss read aloud the sentences in chorus then in individual.

-Check pronunciation and intonation.


1. Read the text

2.Finding the meanings

boarding surrounded

international creative

-It is a boarding school: many students study and live there.

-The school is surrounded by mountains and fields.

-…international school…for Ss from year 1 to year 12, Ss learn English with foreign teachers.

-some creative students do drawings and paintings in the art club.

3. Complete sentences.

1. Students study and live in a… They only go home at weekend.

2. ……has an art club.

3. There are girls’ school in…..

4. Around An Lac school, there are fields and...

5. At Vinabrita School, Ss learn E with…


1. boarding 2. Vinabrita 3. Australia

4. mountains 5. E speaking teachers

Activity 4: Post-reading (5’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


* Speaking.

-Allow Ss to complete the table.

-Ss work in groups of 4 to discuss then complete the table. (Ss can use the background of the school).

-Ask some to talk to the class.

-Discuss any common errors and provide further practice Ss: Some pairs practice the model aloud.

-T: Ask Ss to work in pairs to make similar dialogues, use the pictures.

Ss: Work in pairs (Close pairs and open pairs)

- Some groups of three practice the completed dialogues

Ss: Answer

Ex4:Which school would you like to go.

Name of school

Reasons you like it

Reasons you don’t like it

Background of the schools.

-PLC Sydney: an international school for girls from kindergarten to year 12 in Sydney, Australia.

-An Lac Lower Secondary School: a small school in a mountainous region in Son Dong Dist, Bac Giang Province.

-Vinabrita School: an international school for Ss from year 1 to year 12 in Ha Noi.

4. Consolidation (3’)

- T gets students to retell what they have learnt.

5. Homework (2’)

- Prepare for the next lesson: “Unit 1-My new school/Skills 2”

- Learn by heart all the new words

- Do Ex D1, 2, 3 (WB)

Week 3

Period 8


Section 6: Skill 2

I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson students will be able to:

- Listen to get information about school activities.

- Write a webpage for their school, using correct punctuation

1. Knowledge

*Grammar: The simple present, the present continuous

* Vocabulary: School lexical items

2. Skills: speaking and reading

3. Attitude: pay attention, study in a serious and strict manner


- Teacher:Textbook, board, pictures, tape, recorder.

- Students:Textbook, notebook, pen…


1. Checkup attendance.

2. Checkup the old lesson (5’)

* Check the old lesson:

-T: Call pupils to go to the black board and give them some question:

Ss: Answer the teacher’s question.

3. New lesson

Activity 1: Warm-up (5’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


“The school you like”.

- I like studying in a big school with good equipment….

-Ss discuss in their group


Activity 2: Listening (20’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


-Ask Ss to refer back to the reading: PLC Sydney. Introduce Susie Brewer- a student at PLC Sydney.

-Then play the recording.

- Ss listen only the first time.

-Allow Ss to read the exercise to guess the answer.

- Ss work in pairs, listen to the recording again to choose the correct answers.

- Let Ss listen sentence by sentence to check.

1. Listen and choose the correct answers.

1. Susie ____being at a girl’s school.

A. likes B. doesn’t like

2. Susie’ favorite teacher is her____teacher.

A. Maths B. science

3. Today, susie ____.

A. is wearing her uniform

B. isn’t wearing her uniform

4. Susie sudies___for 3 hours a week.

A. English B. Vietnamese

5. Susie does her homework____.

A. at breaktime B. in the evening

Activity 3:Writing (15’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


-Tell the class the important of punctuation marks.

-Hang the poster of Writing tip on the board.

-Ss study the Writing tip and may ask some information.

-Explain the new words and punctuation marks.

- Ask Ss to correct the punctuation in the sentences in their notebooks.

-After finishing, 5 Ss write the 5 sentences on the board.

-The class comment and check.

- Give the correction.

-Allow Ss to correct and write in the notebooks.

-Go round and correct some.

- Give the key.

-Hang the poster of questions on the board then guide Ss to write a webpage.

-Write a draft first, try to answer all the questions.

-Ss write a paragraph about 80 words about their school, covering as many ideas as possible of the answer to these questions.

-Tell Ss to pay attention to punctuation, structural elements, linking words…

*Writing tip.

*Capital letters for: starting sentences, names, days and months, the pronoun I and places.

*Commas to separate long sentences and lists of things.

*Full stops, question marks or exclaimation marks: put at the end of the sentences.

2. Correct the punctuation in these sentences.

1. school stars on the 5th September.

2. does he live in Ha noi?

3. I’m excited about the first day of the school

4. are you doing your homework?

5. we’re having an English lesson in class

3. Write the correct version.

hi im phong and im from ho chi minh city. i wear my uniform to school every day. my favorite teacher is mr trung. he teaches me science.

4. Create a webpage for your school.

-Think of the title.

-Write an introduction.

4. Consolidation (3’)

- T gets students to retell what they have learnt.

5. Homework (2’)

- Asks sts to learn vocabulary and structures by heart.

- Prepare “Unit 1-My new school/ Looking back &Project”\

Week 3

Period 9


Section 7: Looking back & Project

I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson students will be able to:

- Revise and make the use of all the target knowledge in unit 1.

- Do a project about their dream school.

1. Knowledge

*Grammar: The simple present, the present continuous

* Vocabulary: School lexical items

2. Skills: speaking and reading

3. Attitude: pay attention, study in a serious and strict manner


- Teacher:Textbook, board, pictures, tape, recorder.

- Students:Textbook, notebook, pen…


1. Checkup attendance.

2. Checkup the old lesson

3. New lesson

Activity 1 : Warm-up (5’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


-T has Ss work in 2 teams.

-Ss write as many words as possible


Activity 2 : Presentation (20’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


-Ask Ss write the words.

- Correct mistakes.

-Repeat the words.

Ask Ss write the answer.


Play the recording twice.

-Ss listen then write words in the correct places.

-Give correction


1. Match the pictures.

1. dictionary 4. notebook

2. uniform 5. compass

3. pencil sharpener 6. calculator

2. Match A with B.

1. b 2. C 3. A 4. d

3. Listen and write down the words you hear.

Play: sports, badminton, music.

Do: morning exercise, homework

Study: new words, geography.

Have: English lesson, a new book.

Activity 3: Practice (15’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


-Call on Ss to give the answers.

-Give feedback and the correct answers.

-Ss do Ex individually.

- call some Ss to do it on the board.

- Correct.

-Ss do Ex individually.

- call some to do on the board.

- Correct.

II. Grammar.

4. Complete the sentences using present simple.

1. He comes from Da Nang.

2. Do you study English? No, I don’t.

3. She walks to school with her friends.

4. I do my homework after school.

5. Mr Vo teaches physics at my school.

6. The team play football on Saturday.

5. Complete the sentences using present continuous.

1. are doing

2. are riding

3. is studying

4. is having

5. am walking

6. is teaching

6. Complete sentences with the correct form of the verbs.

1. lives

2. is

3. has

4. is walking

5. go

6. study

7. are working

8. loves

Activity 4: Production (5’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


-Ask Ss to write their dream school at home using the pictures and their imagination.

III. Communication

7. Match the questions with the answers.

b- g d- f e- a h- g

8. Role-play.

4. Consolidation (3’)

- T gets students to retell what they have learnt.

5. Homework (2’)

- Prepare “Unit 2-My home/ Getting Started”

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