Giáo án tiếng Anh lớp 6 Tuần 25 sách mới

Admin 20 Tháng một, 2021

Giáo án tiếng Anh lớp 6 chương trình mới Tuần 25

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 mới Tuần 25 dưới đây nằm trong tài liệu Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh 6 theo tuần do Tìm Đáp Án sưu tầm và đăng tải. Nội dung giáo án được trình bày đầy đủ mục tiêu, trình tự giảng dạy chi tiết xuyên suốt tiết học giúp giáo viên dễ dàng truyền tải bài giảng đến các em học sinh.

Week 25

Period 70


Section 2: A Closer Look 1


By the end of the lesson, students can pronounce the sounds /ou/ and /ai/ correctly in isolation and in context,use the lexical items related to the topic 'Cities of the World' and use the vocabulary and structures to describe cities and landmarks

1. Knowledge:

* Pronunciation: : /ou/ and /ai/

*Vocabulary: items related to the topic 'Cities of the World'

2. Skills:Listening, speaking, writing and reading.

3. Attitude: Ss pay attention the lesson, study in a serious and strict manner and be self-conscious


Teacher:Text-book, lesson plan, real things...

Students:Text-books, notebooks...


1. Organization

- Greeting

- Checking attendance

2. Checkup the old lesson

3. Newlesson: (40')

Activity 1:Warm-up (5’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


T. asks Ss to Match the words in A with their opposites in B.

Some words may have more than one opposite

I. Vocabulary

1.Match the words in A with their opposites in B



1. old

2 dangerous

3. quiet

4. dry

5. clean

6. historic

7. boring

8. cheap

9. cold

a. safe

b. dirty

c. wet

d. polluted

e. new

f. exciting

g. hot

h. modern

i. expensive
k noisy


1. old - new 2. dangerous - safe

3. quiet - noisy 4. dry - wet

5. boring - exciting 6. clean - dirty

7. historic - modern 8. cheap - expensive 9. cold - hot

2.Create word web

Activity 2: Presentation (15’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


Practise the /ou/ and /ai/sounds together. Model the two sounds with cold and sky. Let 5s see how the sounds are formed. Ask 5s to give words that have these two sounds. Play the recording and ask 5s to
listen and fill in the suitable column. Play the recording as many times as necessary. Give feedback and have Ss repeat the sounds as a class.

/ou/ and /ai/ .

3.Listen and write the words you hear in the appropriate column. Then, read the words aloud













Activity 3: Practice (15’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


T. has Ss work in groups. Tell them they can use the words in 1. Encourage 5s to add other adjectives.
Give feedback. Point out that some adjectives cannot go with particular nouns (e.g. we cannot say 'long/short city' or 'rainy people').

T. asks Ss to work in group and put the words in 1 under the right pictures. Then check their answers. Explain the meanings to them if necessary.

City: beautiful, peaceful, exciting, modern, big, polluted, safe, etc.

People: nice, friendly, unfriendly, open, noisy, interesting, etc.

Food: delicious, awful, good, tasty, etc.

Weather: bad, rainy, hot, cold, wet, etc.

Building: old, modern, tall, new, etc.

4. Listen and repeat


1. cold 2. sky 3. exciting 4. snow 5. old

6. high 7. clothes 8.fine 9. hold 10. flight

Activity 4: Production (5’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


Superlatives of long adjectives

Let Ss have a quick look at all the pictures. Ask 5s to work individually to complete the fact sheet, using one of the pictures provided. Have 5s work in pairs compare the answers. Ask them to discuss whether they agree with each other's answers. If they do not agree with the answers, encourage them to give
reasons. Do not give corrective feedback at this stage.

6.Listen and practice

Superlatives of long adjectives


1. London . 2. Oxford University
3. Shakespeare 4. fish and chips

5. tea 6. watching TV

4. Consolidation (3’)

-T reminds the content of the lesson

5. Homework :( 2’)

- Learn by heard the words

- Do home work

- Prepare “A closer look 2”

Week 25

Period 71


Section 3: A Closer Look 2


By the end of this lesson, students will be able to use the present perfect to talk about experiences

1. Knowledge:

*Grammar : Past simple tense, imperatives

*Vocabulary: items related to the topic “cities of the world”

2. Skills:Practice and develop listening, reading and speaking skills .

3. Attitude: Ss will be interested in learning English more.


Teacher:Text-book, lesson plan, real things...

Students:Text-books, notebooks...


1. Organization: (1')

- Greeting

- Checking attendance

2. Checkup the old lesson: (3’)


T. asks Ss to tell about the sports/ games they like to play/watch

- T. calls some Ss to tell before class.

3. New lesson: (38')

Activity 1: Presentation (10’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


- T gives example

- T explains the way to use.

- Ss listen and write

T. asks Ss to work in pairs and underline the verbs in the present perfect tense

- T. explains how to use question words


The present perfect tense

a. Affirmative.

S + have/has +Ved/v3 + O

Ex: My father has been in HCM city

b. Negative.

S + haven’t/hasn’t + V + O

My father hasn’t been in HCMC

c. Yes/ no- question.

Have/Has + S + V + O ?

Yes, S + have/has

No, S + haven’t/hasn’t

* Usage: describe our experiences. This tense always has EVER and NEVER

Activity 2: Practice (15’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


Let Ss work in pairs to give the answers. T observes/helps when necessary and corrects Ss' mistakes

Write the correct form of the verbs.

T. asks Ss to work in pairs

Ss practice the conversation in pairs

Then calls some pairs to practice before class


1. Listen and pay attention to the present perfect tense

2. Put the verbs in brackets in the present perfect tense

Answer key

1.has been 2. Has been
3. Has visited 4. Has been
5. Hasn’t been

3.Put the verbs in brackets in the correct forms

Answer key

1.have you seen...have seen


3. Have never been
4. clean

5. takes
5. Has eaten

Activity 3 : Production (10’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


-T asks Ss to tell about what Tom has done

4. Look at Tom’s webpage

4. Consolidation :( 2’)

- T asks one student to repeat the main contents of the lesson.

5. Homework :( 1’)

-Prepare for the next lesson: Unit 8: Communication.

-Learn by heart all grammar structures

Week 25

Period 72


Section 4 : Communication


By the end of the lesson, students can ask and talk about cities of the world

1. Knowledge:

*Vocabulary: items related to the topic “cities of the world”

*Grammar : Past simple tense, imperatives

2. Skills:Practice and develop listening, reading and speaking skills .

3. Attitude: Ss will be interested in learning English


Teacher:Text-book, lesson plan, real things...

Students:Text-books, notebooks...


1. Organization: (1')

- Greeting

- Checking attendance

2. Checkup the old lesson: (3’)

Warm up

T asks Ss some questions

3. New lesson: (41')

Activity 1: Presentation (13’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


-T explains the meaning and pronunciation of the new words for Ss

-Ss listen , repeat and write down the words

-T shows the pictures of the five landmarks and ask ss what they are

-If Ss do not know their names in English, they can use Vietnamese

-T gives the English names and ask ss to match them with the photos







a. Merlion

b.Big Ben

c.Temples of Literature

d.Sydney Opera House

e.Eiffel Tower

Activity 2:Practice (15’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


-T tells the class they will be introduced to some new words

-T elicits their meanings from Ss.

-T asks Ss if they know any UNESCO World Heritage Sites in VN

-T has ss read five texts about five landmarks in 2-3 minutes and match

-Ss work in individually

-T checks their results

-T asks ss read the text in 2 again and allow them 5 minutes to tick T/F

-Ask Ss to underline key words in each text

-Ss word individually, them compare their answers with their friends

-T allows Ss to give their answers in front of the class

2. Read about the landmark


1.Big Ben

2. Sydney Opera House

3. Temples of Literature

4. Big Ben

5. Merlion

3. Tick True / False

1. F 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.F 6.F

Activity 3 : Production (13’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


- Ss choose a country/city/landmark and ask class to guess what is it.

-Arranges groups of four to play game

4.Talk about the landmark

4. Consolidation :( 2’)

- T asks one student to repeat the main contents of the lesson.

5. Homework :( 1’)

-Prepare for the next lesson: Unit 9: Skill 1.

- Learn by heard the words

- Do home work

Trên đây là Giáo án tuần 25 môn tiếng Anh 6 mới.

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