Giáo án tiếng Anh lớp 6 Tuần 24 sách mới

Admin 20 Tháng một, 2021

Giáo án tiếng Anh lớp 6 chương trình mới Tuần 24

Nằm trong tài liệu Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh 6 theo tuần, giáo án Tiếng Anh Tuần 24 lớp 6 sách mới dưới đây do Tìm Đáp Án sưu tầm và đăng tải. Giáo án tiếng Anh gồm Section 6: Skill 2; Section 7: Looking back & Project Unit 8: Sports and Games và Section 1 Getting Started Unit 9 Cities of the World giúp quý thầy cô chuẩn bị bài giảng hiệu quả.

Week 24

Period 67


Section 6: Skill 2


- By the end of the lesson, students can listen to get information about the sport(s)/ game(s) people play

- Write a paragraph about the sport! game they like

1. Knowledge:

*Vocabulary: items related to the topic “television”

2. Skills:Listening, speaking, writing and reading.

3. Attitude: Ss pay attention the lesson, study in a serious and strict manner and be self-conscious


Teacher:Text-book, lesson plan, real things...

Students:Text-books, notebooks...


1. Organization

- Greeting

- Checking attendance

2. Checkup the old lesson

3. New lesson: (40')

Activity 1: Warm up (5’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


-T plays the recording once only. Ask Ss to listen and say who the passages are about

-Ss listen and say who the passages are about


1.Listen to the passage

Activity 2: Presentation (15’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


-T plays the recording again. While Ss listen, they have to write down T or F

2.Listen and write True or False

Answer key.

1 F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. T

Activity 3: Practice (15’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


-T plays the recording the third times for Ss to fill the blanks

-Ss can share their answers before listening to recording a final time to check

-First brainstorm with Ss for the necessary language. Allow Ss to refer to the reading and other
sections for useful language. Note interesting expressions and language on the board.

-Tell Ss to write a draft first, Ss should use the cues and their own ideas.

-Then Ss actually write a paragraph of about 80 - 120 words about the sport/ game they like, covering as
many ideas as possible.

3.Listen and fill in each blank


3.Write about a sport/game you like


My favorite sport is football. It is a team game ………

Activity 4: Production (5’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


T. asks Ss to read their writing. And asks them to correct the spelling and punctuation.

4. Consolidation (3’)

-T reminds the content of the lesson

5. Homework :( 2’)

- Learn by heard the words

- Do home work

- Prepare “Looking back & Project”

Week 24

Period 68


Section 7: Looking back & Project


By the end of this lesson, students will be able to review the knowledge of unit 8

1. Knowledge:

*Grammar : Past simple tense

*Vocabulary: items related to the topic “sports and games”

2. Skills:Practice and develop listening, reading and speaking skills .

3. Attitude: educate students should spend time on play sports/gamessuitably and they will be interested in learning English more.


Teacher:Text-book, lesson plan, real things...

Students:Text-books, notebooks...


1. Organization: (1')

- Greeting

- Checking attendance

2. Checkup the old lesson: (3’)


- T. asks Ss some questions about sports/game

3. New lesson: (38')

Activity 1: Presentation (10’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


- T. asks Ss to read aloud the words they choose

Let Ss repeat the words. Check their pronunciation. Tell 5s to write the answers in their notebooks. Then
T corrects the mistakes.


1. Find one odd word or phrase in each line.


1. C 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. B

2. Read and write name of the game or sport

1. .cycling

2. football

3. boxing

4. table tennis

5. basketball

Activity 2: Practice(10’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


Ask Ss to look at the answers and decide which question word is to be used.

Ss work in pairs or groups to finish or write the sentences. T gives correction


3 Put the verbs in the brackets in the correct form

Answer key

1. are 'I

2. took

4. are playing

5. did you do - cycled - watched j

3. started

4.What do you say in these situations

1.Please stop making noise.

2.Go out to play with your friends.

3.Don't feed the animals.

4.Stand in line, boys!

5. Don't tease the dog.

Activity 3 : Production (10’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


-T asks ss to work in groups and rearrange sentence.

- Ss work in groups and make sentences in the correct order.

T. suggests Ss doing “project”.

- Ss work in groups and brainstorm what programme they can watch to have a happy life


5. Rearrange the words in each sentence.


: 1. a 2. e 3. b 4. c 5. d

4. Consolidation :( 2’)

- T asks one student to repeat the main contents of the lesson.

5. Homework :( 1’)

-Prepare for the next lesson: Unit 9: Getting Started

-Learn by heart all new words.

-Do the projects

Week 24

Period 69


Section 1: Getting Started

What nice photo !


- By the end of this lesson, students will be able to use the lexical items related to the topic 'Cities of the World'

1. Knowledge:

*Vocabulary: the lexica items related to the topic “Cities of the world”

2. Skills:Practice and develop listening, reading and speaking skills .

3. Attitude: Ss will be interested in learning English more.


Teacher:Text-book, lesson plan, real things...

Students:Text-books, notebooks...


1. Organization: (1')

- Greeting

- Checking attendance

2. Checkup the old lesson

3. New lesson: (41')

Activity 1: Warm-up (5’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


T. writes the unit title on the board. Then asks Ss to name some cities they know and where they are.

Look at the picture and answer the T’s question

Activity 2: Pre-reading (10’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


T. elicits words from Ss

Rub out and remember

Act 1.

Ask Ss questions about the picture:

a) Play the recording. Ss listen and read. Then answer the question

Ss work independently or in pairs to answer the questions.

T lets them discuss in groups or
as a class (they may refer to the conversation).

T checks their answers and gives explanations if necessary


- exciting

- egg-shape

- continent

Task 1. Ask Ss questions about the picture:

E.g.- What are Mai and Tom doing?

- What are they looking at?

Activity 3: While-reading (10’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


Play the recording. Let Ss listen and repeat. Check and correct their pronunciation. Give them the
meaning of the words. T may also ask them if these sports and games are played inViet Nam.

- T. asks Ss to work in pairs to complete this task. Practise saying the continent names with them. Ask them the Vietnamese translations of these names

2. Read the conversation again. Then write True (T) or False (F).

Answer key

1. F (They are looking at photos on the computer)

2. F (Tom has been to most of the cities.)

3. T

4. F (There are modern buildings in London as well

5. F (Tom has never been to New York. The photo is from his brother.)

3. Name the continents.

Answer key

1. Asia 2. Europe 3. Africa

4. North America 5. South America

6. Australia 7. Antarctica

Activity 4 : Post-reading (13’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


T. write “Asia, Viet Nam, Hue, Ha Noi, Thong Nhat Palace” on the board. Ask Ss which is the continent, which is the country, which is the city, which is the capital, and which is the place of interest. Ask them to give examples for Britain.

Then ask Ss to do the matching and give feedback. Practise saying the words with Ss. Ask them to locate the places on a map/globe.

Note: The short, common forms of the United States of America are: the United States, the USA, the US. America often refers to the continent.

4. Match the words in the blue box to the name of the places

Answer key

a. Asia, Africa

b. Sweden, the USA

c. Ha Noi, Nha Trang, Amsterdam, Liverpool

d. Ha Noi, Amsterdam

e. Ben Thanh Market, the Louvre

4. Consolidation :( 2’)

- T asks one student to repeat the main contents of the lesson.

5. Homework :( 1’)

-Prepare for the next lesson: Unit 9: Closer look 1.

-Practise reading the dialogue fluently.

-Learn by heart all new words.

Trên đây là Giáo án tuần 24 môn tiếng Anh 6 mới.

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