Giáo án tiếng Anh lớp 1 Unit 2 In the dinning room

Admin 13 Tháng sáu, 2021

Giáo án môn tiếng Anh lớp 1 Unit 2 In the dining room

Nằm trong bộ Giáo án tiếng Anh lớp 1 Macmillan theo Unit năm 2021 - 2022, Giáo án tiếng Anh Unit 1 bộ Kết nối tri thức với cuộc sống bao gồm kế hoạch giảng dạy các Lesson 1, Lesson 2, Lesson 3 Unit 2 In the dining room giúp quý thầy cô hoàn thiện giáo án lên lớp.



By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

- pronounce the sound of the letter C/c.

- say the words cake, car, cat, cup



- Sound /c/

- Vocabulary: cake, car, cat, cup


- Student’s book p. 9


- Flashcards for Unit 2

- Poster for Unit 2

- Teacher’s guide pp. 16-18

- Computer, projector


Warm-up – Listen and repeat – Point and say – Game - Homelink


Teaching and learning activities

Classroom management


5 minutes



- Greet the class and introduce your name by saying, e.g. Hi, I’m Miss Hien. Encourage pupils to greet and introduce their names, e.g. Hi, I’m Hoa.

- Option 1: Have two or three pairs of pupils role-play the exchange Hi, I’m + name.

- Option 2: Ask one group to sing the song in Unit 1, p. 8.

- Have pupils open the books and look at Unit 2, Lesson 1 p. 9, saying Open the books and look at Unit 2, Lesson 1 (Page 9).

Whole class

1. Listen and repeat 10 minutes


Step 1:

Step 2:

Step 3:

Step 4:

Step 5:

Step 6:


Have pupils look at the picture (p. 9) or Poster for Unit 2, saying Look at the picture/poster, please! Encourage pupils to describe the picture. Draw pupils’ attention to the letter C/c, the words next to the things, the pet and the colour of the letter C/c (as mentioned in Input). Check comprehension.

Get pupils to point to the letter C/c, saying Look at the letter C/c, please! Then have them listen to the recording and repeat the sound of the letter C/c, saying Listen and repeat, please!

Have pupils point to the cat and/or the word cat, listen to the recording and repeat the word cat, saying Listen and repeat, please! Then play the recording again, if necessary, for them to repeat individually and in chorus. Correct pronunciation, if necessary. If they repeated well, praise them, saying Well done!

Follow the same procedure with the cake, car, cup. Correct pronunciation, if necessary.

Get pupils to listen to the recording again, pointing to the letter C/c, the words and the things/pet and repeating until they feel confident. Give further support to those pupils who find it difficult to do the task, if necessary.

Invite a few pupils to pronounce the sound of the letter C/c and say the words cake, car, cup, cat in front of the class. If they performed well, praise them, saying Well done!

Whole class

Individual work

Individual work

Whole class

Pair or group work

Whole class


2. Point and say 7 minutes


Step 1:

Step 2:

Step 3:

Step 4:

Step 5:

Step 6:

Ask pupils to look at the picture on page 9 or Poster 2 again, saying Look at the picture/poster,
please! Ask them to describe the picture, paying attention to the letter C/c and the words they have learnt in Activity 1.

Get pupils to point to the letter C/c and say it, saying Point to the letter C/c and say, please! If they pronounced correctly, praise them, saying Excellent!

Ask pupils to point to the cake on the table and say the word cake as a model (saying Point to the cake and say, please!). Remind them of the sound of the letter c in the word cake. Then ask one pupil to point to the cake and to say the word cake in front of the class. Check comprehension.

Follow the same procedure with other things and the cat and correct pronunciation, if necessary. Give further support to those pupils who find it difficult to do the task.

Get pupils to work in pairs or in groups to point to the things/pet in the picture and say the sound of the letter C/c and the words. Say Point and say, please! Go around to offer help or correct pronunciation, if necessary.

Select some pupils to point to the picture/poster and to say the words in front of the class, saying Well done! to praise their performance.

Whole class





Individual work


Individual work



Individual work


Pair or group work


Whole class

Fun corner

Pelmanism 10 minutes


Step 1:

Step 2:

Step 3:

Step 4:




Tell pupils about two sets of flashcards (as mentioned in Input in Teacher’s guide).

Tell pupils that they are going to match the words with the suitable pictures. Give an example to show how the game is played. Check comprehension.

Put pupils into groups of four and give each group a set of flashcards. Have the groups shuffle the flashcards and distribute them face down on the table.

Ask each player in turn to select two cards and turn them face up. Say Are you ready? Now let us play the game. If the word matches the picture, the player wins and continues to turn over another pair. If the cards do not match, they are turned face down again and the next player plays the game. The game ends when all the cards are gone.

Whole class

Whole class

Group work

Group work




3 minutes


Option 1:

Option 2:

Option 3:

Pupils practise pronouncing the sound of the letter C/c and saying the words car, cake, cup, cat (using student’s books or sachmem).

Pupils play Pelmanism with the words car, cat, cake, cup in sachmem.

Pupils do the project on page 6 in Workbook.

Whole class

Trên đây là Giáo án tiếng Anh lớp 1 sách Macmillan Unit 2. Mời quý thầy cô tham khảo thêm nhiều tài liệu ôn tập Tiếng Anh lớp 1 khác như: Luyện viết Tiếng Anh 1, Phiếu bài tập cuối tuần lớp 1, Đề thi học kì 1 lớp 1, .... được cập nhật liên tục trên Tìm Đáp Án.

Bên cạnh nhóm Tài liệu học tập lớp 1, mời bạn đọc tham gia nhóm Tài liệu tiếng Anh Tiểu học - nơi chia sẻ rất nhiều tài liệu môn tiếng Anh thú vị dành cho học sinh tiểu học (7-11 tuổi).

Nếu bạn không thấy nội dung bài viết được hiển thị. Vui lòng tải về để xem. Nếu thấy hay thì các bạn đừng quên chia sẻ cho bạn bè nhé!