Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 unit 6 Places

Admin 10 Tháng bảy, 2015

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 unit 6

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 unit 6 Places giúp các em học sinh biết cách sử dụng các từ vựng về nông thôn, thị trấn để mô tả nơi mình sống. Ngoài ra, các em còn biết sử dụng thành thạo các giới từ chỉ vị trí, có thể sử dụng câu hỏi "where is.../ are?" để hỏi và trả lời về nơi mình sống. Mời quý thầy cô tải miễn phí về làm tư liệu tham khảo để soạn bài tốt hơn.

Period: 32

A. Objectives:

  • By the end of this lesson ss will be able to read a text about where Thuy lives to understand the detailss and practice country vocabulary.

I. Knowledge:

  • Present vocabulary.
  • Reading a text to know more about the describing the place.

I. Skill:

  • Reading

B. Teaching procedure:
I. Settlement: -Greeting (1m).

  • Check attendence.

II. Checking:

  • Do not check.

III. New lesson:

Teacher's activities


1.Pre reading (12ms):

+Pre teach:

A lake: (Picture): hồ
A river: (Picture): Sông
A tree: (Picture): Cây
A flower: (Picture): Bông hoa
A rice paddy: (Picture): Cánh đồng
A park: (Picture): Công viên

- Introduces the words by explaining the meaning, using the situation.
- Reads the words for the modal (3 times ). Then helps Ss to repeat ( 2 times ).
- Checks S's reading in individual & corrects the mistakes.
- Checks the meaning & the pronunciation.
- Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words.
+Checking: What and where:

A lake A river A tree.

A flower A rice paddy A park.

+Open prediction:

What are near Thuy|s house?

2. While reading (20ms):

+Check their predictions: Asks ss to read the text in A1 P.62: Our house
+Ordering vocabulary: P.62:
T reads thesecond bubble aloud: " It is beautiful here .There is a river and......near our house."

Answer key: a lake-2 Trees-4.

A river-1 Flowers-5.
A rice paddy-6 A park-3.
+Matching: Asks ss to read the text again and guess the meaning of these words from context and match (with anwer key).

- Listening to the words.
- Repeating the words in chorus & in individual. Correcting the mistakes.
- Giving the meaning & the pronunciation.
- Copying the words.

- Ss enjoy the game.

- Predicting "What's near Thuy's house" & write 3 things in their books.
- Giving the prediction.

- Reading the text.
- Checking the prediction.

-Matching the meaning of the words from the context.
-Comparing & giving the information.

-Working in pairs to answer. Then giving the keys.


1./ She is twelve years old.
2./ She is a student.
3./ Her brother's name is Minh.
4./ He is twenty.
5./ Thuy lives in a house.
6./ A lake, a rice paddy, a park, a river, a hotel.

Nếu bạn không thấy nội dung bài viết được hiển thị. Vui lòng tải về để xem. Nếu thấy hay thì các bạn đừng quên chia sẻ cho bạn bè nhé!