Giáo án tiếng Anh lớp 9 Tuần 11 sách mới

Admin 15 Tháng tám, 2019

Giáo án tiếng Anh lớp 9 chương trình mới Tuần 11

Nằm trong tài liệu Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh 9 theo tuần, giáo án Tiếng Anh mới thí điểm Tuần 11 dưới đây do Tìm Đáp Án sưu tầm và đăng tải. Nội dung giáo án trình bày chi tiết và khoa học giúp giáo viên dễ dàng truyền tải bài giảng đến học sinh.

Period: 31 Week: 11


Lesson 6 – SKILLS 2

I. OBJECTIVES: By the end of this Unit, students will be able to:

- listen for specific information about school life in the past

- write a description of how children in the past studied without technology

II . PREPARATION: sub -board, pictures, cassette


Teacher’s and students’ activities



Activity 1:

Ask Ss to look at the old photo and read the introduction to the listening and the questions. T may even decide to do a prediction task by asking Ss to guess if each statement is true or false before listening.

T then plays the recording and Ss tick () the answers. T can play the recording at least twice. Elicit the answers from Ss. Ask them to explain their answers. Confirm the answers as a class.

Activity 2:

- Have Ss read the questions first to determine which information they need to fill the blanks.

Ss then listen to the recording again and write their answers. T checks the answers as a class.


-Activity 3

Ss may work in groups of three or four. Together they make a list of the facilities they are using for their studies. They then tick the ones they think were not available about twenty years ago.

T may have the groups write their lists on board. Leave the list there for 4.

Activity 4:

Ss work individually, referring to the framework while they are writing. If time allows, T can ask some Ss to share their writing with the class.


1.F 2.T 3. T 4. NG 5.F 6. T


1. 15 2.bare-footed 3. maths, history (in any order)

4.strict rules 5.extra classes

Sample writing:

It is most likely that students twenty years ago were not able to enjoy the Internet in their studies.

That’s why it took them a lot of time, energy, and even money, to do a project that we can now easily complete in one or two days.

For example, when being asked to write an assignment about past habits, the students had to go to the library, look for books on the topic, read the books, and hand-write any information that they thought was useful for their assignment. They would also have to meet with some old people and talk to them about the past. At home, they had to hand-write their assignment, possibly with a lot of erasing and rewriting of the first draft. After fi nishing the draft, they had to write a clean copy on another piece of paper for submission.


-Write new words then learn them by heart.

-Copy the exercise into notebooks.


Period: 32 Week: 11



I. OBJECTIVES: By the end of this Unit, students will be able to:

Use some vocabularies and structures to talk about related to life in the past

II . PREPARATION: sub -board, pictures, cassette


Teacher’s and students’ activities


Activity 1:

Have Ss complete this exercise individually. Check their answers as a class

Activity 2:

a./Ss work individually. They can then check with their partner. Confi rm the correct answers

b./ Have Ss complete this exercise individually. Check their answers as a class.


Activity 3:

Ss complete this task independently or in pairs. Discussion may sometimes be necessary to decide if a thing was/was not practised in the past. Only then can they form the correct answers. Check as a class.

Activity 4:

Have Ss complete the exercise independently. Have them share their wishes with the class.

Activity 5:

Encourage Ss to use their imagination and work out wishes for the situation. Have them share their answers with the class.


Activity 6:

Ss work in pairs or small groups to complete the exercise. Check as a class. Then they can practise the conversation with their best pronunciation and fluency.

Project: Preserving the past

This project aims to encourage Ss to do more research about the past with a focus on traditions and habits

which are dying out.

Divide Ss into groups of four to five and instruct them on what they have to do. Encourage them to interview previous generations – either members of their family or neighbours. Tell them to

- choose the pastime they most appreciate and would most like to preserve

- explain their choice

- work on a plan of how they can help to preserve it

Have Ss present their posters in the next lesson. When all the groups have given their presentations, the whole class can vote for the best.

Key: 1. B 2. A 3.C 4. A 5.B

Key: 1. b 2. e 3. a 4.c 5.d

Key: 1.acting out 2. die out 3.preserve 4. collecting 5.entertains

1.Men used to be the bread winner of the family.

2.Women didn’t use to go to work.

3.People didn’t use to travel on holiday.

4.Families didn’t use to be nuclear.

5.People used to make banh chung at Tet themselves.

6.Children used to play outdoor games.

Suggested answers:

1.I wish my village had access to clean piped water.

2.I wish there was/were a bridge over the river, so we did not have to cross the river by boat twice a day

to school.

3. I wish there was/were an organisation for social activities for teenagers in my town.

4. I wish I was/were tall enough to play basketball.

5.I wish there were four seasons in my area./ I wish we had spring and autumn in my area.

Suggested answers:

1.I wish it would stop raining.

2.I wish the wind weren’t blowing so hard.

3.I wish the sun were shining.

4. I wish I were sitting in a warm house.


Order: 1-4-5-2-9-7-8-6-3


-Write new words then learn them by heart.

-Copy the exercise into notebooks.

-Prepare GETTING STARTED - Unit 5

Period: 33 Week: 11

Test correction

T gives the keys

SS check their results

T gives feed back


>= 5


37/37 (100%)


Trên đây là Giáo án tuần 11 môn tiếng Anh 9 mới.

Xem thêm giáo án tiếng Anh 9 cả năm tại: Giáo án tiếng Anh 9 chương trình mới cả năm. Mời bạn đọc tham khảo thêm nhiều tài liệu ôn tập tiếng Anh 9 cả năm khác như: Để học tốt Tiếng Anh lớp 9, Bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp 9 theo từng Unit trực tuyến, Đề thi học kì 1 lớp 9, Đề thi học kì 2 lớp 9, Bài tập nâng cao Tiếng Anh 9,... được cập nhật liên tục trên Tìm Đáp Án.

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