Giáo án tiếng Anh lớp 9 Tuần 24 sách mới

Admin 20 Tháng tám, 2019

Giáo án tiếng Anh lớp 9 chương trình mới Tuần 24

Nằm trong tài liệu Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh 9 theo tuần, giáo án Tiếng Anh Tuần 24 lớp 9 sách mới dưới đây do Tìm Đáp Án sưu tầm và đăng tải. Giáo án tiếng Anh gồm Lesson 5: Skill 1; Lesson 6 Skill 2; Lesson 7: Looking back & Project Unit 8: Tourism giúp quý thầy cô chuẩn bị bài giảng hiệu quả.

Period: 13 Week: 24


Lesson 5 - SKILLS 1

I. OBJECTIVES: By the end of this Unit, students will be able to read for general and specific information about a tourist attraction. and talk about their choice of holiday.

II . PREPARATION: sub -board, pictures, cassette


Teacher’s and students’ activities


Activity 1:

a) Sts work in groups and name some famous caves in Viet Nam and in the world that they have prepared already for homework.

b) Sts work in pairs and answer the questions with their own ideas.

Sts are not allowed to read the passage. T doesn’t need to check their answers and correct mistakes.

Have sts quickly read the passage and check the information themselves. Sts write down the correct answers in their notebooks.

Activity 2:

T may have sts read the passage in chorus first, paying special attention to new words. Explain and clarify anything difficult. Then allow sts time to read the passage individually, silently or aloud. Call on sts to read aloud to the class. Check their pronunciation and intonation. Have them ask and answer the questions in pairs. Tell them to note where they can find the information for answering the questions or choosing the correct answers. Correct the answers as a class.

Activity 3:

Have sts study the list of holiday ideas. Ask sts what they think about these ways of spending one’s holiday and whether they have done any of them. Then let them choose three things from the list.

Activity 4:

Sts work in groups of five or six.

Tell them to refer to the three things they have ticked in 3 . Let them choose one and prepare to talk about it . Tell them to study the example carefully as a model. Give them some time before each group member shares his / her choice of holiday.


Ex1a) Work in groups . Name some famous caves in Viet Nam and in the word

In Viet Nam:

-Phong Nha Cave

-En Cave

-Thien Duong Cave

-Sung Sot Cave ( Ha Long Bay)

-Tam Coc –Bich Dong Cave ( Ninh Binh)

In the world:

Deer Cave ) Borneo , Malaysia)

Onondaga Cave( Missouri, USA)

-Gouffre Berger( France)

-Reed Flute Cave( Gullin, China)

- Fingal’s Cave( Scotland)

- Cave of Crystals ( Mexico)

Ex1b) Answer the questions with your own ideas.




Now read the passage and check the information.

Ex2) Read the passage again and answer the questions, or choose the correct answers.

1.The American Broadcasting Company ( ABC) aired a live program ( featuring the magnificence of Son Duong) on ”Good morning America”

2.By river water eroding away the lime stone underneath the mountain

3.From February to August

4. C



Ex3) Which would you like to do most on holiday ? Tick ( P) three things in the list.

1. sts’ answers



Ex4) Work in groups. Talk about one of your choices,trying to persuade your group to join you.


-Write new words then learn them by heart.

-Copy the exercise into notebooks.

-Prepare SKILLS 2

Period: 14 Week: 24

Unit 8 : TOURISM

Lesson 5 – SKILLS 2

I. OBJECTIVES: By the end of this Unit, students will be able to listen for specific information about the benefits of tourism to an area / country.

II . PREPARATION: sub -board, pictures, cassette


Teacher’s and students’ activities


Activity 1:

Let sts work in pairs. Encourage sts to think about the importance of tourism to Viet Nam. Elicit as many ideas from them as possible.

Activity 2:

Play the recording one or two times.Clarify anything unclear or difficult. Ask sts to listen carefully and tick T / F as they hear answers in the lecture. T plays the recording again for less able sts .

Activity 3:

Play the recording again. Tell sts to pay special attention to the last sentence of the lecture. Then they choose the correct answers as required. Correct as a class.

Activity 4:

Have sts work in groups and discuss the negative effects of tourism on their locality .Tell sts to study the prompts given , and give some more if possible.

Activity 5:

Have sts read any of their previous work about the negative effects of something. Let them choose one negative effect that they have discussed in 4) and write a paragraph in about 100 -120 words. When they have finished , tell the to swap their writing and check each other’s work.


ex1) Work in pairs. is tourism important to Viet Nam? give at least one reason.

Ex2) Listen tick ( P) true (T) or false (F) .



3. F

4. T



Ẻx3) Listen again and choose the correct answer.

Key : C


Ex4) Work in groups. Talk about the negative effects of tourism on a region or country. The following ideas may be helpful to you..

Ex5) Choose one negative effect that you have discussed above and write a paragraph about it. Make sure you use the right connections.


-first /firstly / the first / one of the ……

-second/ secondly /another ….

-third/ thirdly / furthermore / in addition ….

Sample writing:

One of the drawbacks of tourism is the damage to the environment of a country or area. In the first place, tourists use a lot of local resources such as water , food, energy , etc … and this put pressure on the environment. Secondly, there is the problem of pollution. Many cities and towns become overcrowded with tourists, with all their vehicles causing traffic jams as well as air and noise pollution. Another bad effect of tourism is the destruction of the wildlife in some places. The habitat of wild plants and animals is lost because of the building of tourist resorts, and by visitors’ activities. In short, the development of tourism has bad effects on the environment.


-Write new words then learn them by heart.

-Copy the exercise into notebooks.


Period: 15 Week: 24

Unit 8 : TOURISM


I. OBJECTIVES: By the end of this Unit, students will be able to write a paragraph about the negative effects of tourism on an area/ country.

II . PREPARATION: sub -board, pictures, cassette


Teacher’s and students’ activities


Activity 1:

Let sts read the words in the box first , then read the passage and complete the exercise individually. Tell them to pay attention to the common collocations related to the topic of the unit. After that , let some sts read the passage aloud – sentence by sentence . Correct as a class.

Activity 2:

Tell sts to look at the 12 elements and try to form compound nouns from them. Then have them read the sentences and fill the gaps with the compound nouns formed. Tell them to change the elements if they do not fit the gaps and do it again. Less advanced classes can complete this exercise in pairs. Check as a class.

Activity 3:

Sts do the task by themselves.T check the compound nouns, then have sts write sentences in their notebooks –at least one sentence with a compound nouns, and share with a partner.

Activity 4:

Quickly review the articles a, an, the , zero article sts have learned. Then have them do a task and write down their answers in their notebooks. Check and correct their answers as a class.

Activity 5:

This task helps sts use the grammar and vocabulary they have learned in the unit to rewrite sentences. T may have some sts write sentences on the board. Let other sts give comments. Check as a class.

Activity 6:

a)Have sts read the things one can do on holiday, and tick the three things they would most like to do, then share their ideas with a partner.

b)Sts work in pairs. Tell them to read the example and think of the three things they do not like to do on holiday. T may give prompts:

-do homework

-wash clothes

-do the washing –up

-be online

-play sports

-write postcards



Ask sts to complete the self-assessments. Identify any difficulties and weak areas and provide further practice if necessary.

1. Have sts read the advertisement for a holiday in Italy. Tell them to underline the features that may attract tourists and make them want to visit the country.

2. Sts work independently and exchange their work with a partner. T. checks.

3. Tell sts to think of a place in their locality or neighboring area to introduce to tourists. It may be a museum. a craft village, a workshop,, a temple, a church, an ancient house, a wood / forest, a lake …

Ask sts to write their advertisement out of class. Tell them to refer to the ad. in 1) . They can also refer to exercise 1 in LOOKING BACK for a good way to write an ad.

In the next lesson , have them present what they have written to the class. The class gives comments and praise.



Ex1) Fill in each gap with a word from the box to complete the passage. There are two extra words.

1.safaris / expeditions

2.expeditions / safaris




Ex 2) Form compound nouns from the following words, then fill the gaps to complete the sentences.

1.jet lag


3. stopover



6. take-offs

Ex3) Form compound nouns from these words, then makes sentences with them, and share with a partner.

tour / return / soft / ticket / package / operator / tour / round / ware / trip

-Key: package tour , return ticket , software, round trip


Tour operator

If there are any problems, you should contact your tour operator.


Ex4) Find and correct mistakes in the sentences using a/an/ the or zero article..

1. My aunt and uncle love sun!.They stay in UK in summer and visit friends in Australia in winter.

- the sun, the UK

2.Not much is known about how brain works.

-the brain

3.Bicycle is among the most efficient machines invented by man.

-the bicycle

4.They plan to launch expedition into interior of Australia.

-an / the expedition . the interior

5. If you want to go on long trip , you should prepare properly for it.

- along trip

6. I’m very interested in the history, especially history of Asian countries.

-in history , the history of

Ex5) Rewrite each sentence so that it has a similar meaning using the word in capitals..

1.What a terrible journey ( it was)!

2. We stayed at a lovely hotel by the sea.

3.The program I watched yesterday was interesting.

4.My friend has just bought an old guitar.

5.She needs to go on a business trip to Kyoto.


Ex6a) What would you like to do most on holiday? Tick ( P) three things. Share your ideas with a partner.

Go camping

Watch the wildlife

Visit a museum

Meet local people

Visit historic places

Make new friends

Go to a theme park

Ex 6b) Name three things you don’t like to do on holiday, and say why.

Example : cook meal

I don’t like to cook meal on holiday. I like to eat out and relax.

Finished now I can…

+use lexical items related to tourism

+use common compound nouns

+ use an , an the and zero article

+ask questions for information with the correct intonation

+read for general and specific information about a tourist attraction

+ talk about my choice of holiday

+listen for specific information about the benefits of tourism to a area / country

+write a paragraph about the negative effects of tourism on an area / country


An advertisement for a tourist attraction

Ex1) Read the following advertisement for a holiday in Italy.


Come to sunny Italy! It is a country full of fascinating cities and beautiful scenery. It is considered the birthplace of Western culture. High art and monuments are to be found all over the country. Moreover, the food is delicious. There are also shops full of bargains. You can spend your time sightseeing, shopping, or you can simply relax on one of the excellent beaches. Whatever you do, you are certain to have a most enjoyable holiday!

Ex2)What are good ways to write an advertisement? Put a tick(P) .

1. create a striking headline (P)

2. Keep your ad brief (P)

3. Write some drawbacks

4. Try to attract attentions (P)

5. Ask a lot of questions

6. Give the main features. (P)

Ex3) Write a short advertisement for a tourist attraction in your area.







-Write new words then learn them by heart.

-Copy the exercise into notebooks.

-Prepare GETTING STARTED - Unit 9

Trên đây là Giáo án tuần 24 môn tiếng Anh 9 mới.

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