Giáo án tiếng Anh lớp 9 Tuần 25 sách mới

Admin 16 Tháng tám, 2019

Giáo án tiếng Anh lớp 9 chương trình mới Tuần 25

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 9 mới Tuần 25 dưới đây nằm trong tài liệu Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh 9 theo tuần do Tìm Đáp Án sưu tầm và đăng tải. Nội dung giáo án được trình bày đầy đủ mục tiêu, trình tự giảng dạy chi tiết xuyên suốt tiết học giúp giáo viên dễ dàng truyền tải bài giảng đến các em học sinh.

Period: 16 Week: 25



I. OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use the lexical items related to languages and language use and learning.


1.Language content

Vocabulary : words related to languages and language use and learning

Grammar : 2.Techniques : group work , pair work, communicative approach

3.teaching aids : Cassette, posters, pictures


T’s & Ss’ Activities


*Warm –up

review the previous unit by asking two Ss to go to the board, each writing we compound nouns they have learnt/ known. Give comments and correct any mistakes if needed.

*Activity 1

a. Tell Ss to refer to the conversation to find the nouns of the adjectives simple and flexible. Ask them to pay attention to how to form the nouns from these adjectives.

b. Ask Ss to convert the adjectives given into nouns. Remind them to use a dictionary to check.

c. First, have Ss work independently. Then allow them to share answers before discussing as a class. Call on some Ss to give explanations for their answers.


Exercise 2: Ss work independently, and then share their answers with one or more partners. T may ask for translation of the words/phrases in the table to check their understanding. With a stronger class, T may wish to ask Ss to find some examples in real life with the words/phrases in the table.

Exercise 3: Have Ss work independently and then share their answers with one or more partners. T may help with the

words/phrases that Ss do not know the meaning of in the sentences. If time allows, have some Ss read out loud the sentences

1. Getting started: chatting

2. Listen and read


Nouns are often formed by adding

suffixes to adjectives. Two suffixes which are often added to adjectives to form nouns are -ness and -ity.

Example: open → openness

similar → similarity

Exercise 1

a . Key: simplicity flexibility

Exercise b:

Adjective Noun

sad sadness

dark darkness

stupid stupidity

popular popularity

happy happiness

punctual punctuality


1. B 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. B

Exercise c: Answer key:

Veronica wishes her parents could put themselves in her situation to better understand her.

Exercise 2:


1. c 2. e 3. b 4. a 5. d

Exercise 3: Key:


1. f 2. c 3. a 4. b 5. e 6. d


1.Consolidation :

Model this activity with a more able student. Then ask Ss to work in pairs. Go around to provide help.Call on some pairs to practise in front of the class.


- Do exercise in exercise book.

- Prepare A CLOSER LOOK 1

Period: 17 Week: 25



I. OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to identify the correct tones for new and known information and say sentences with the correct intonation


1.Language content

Vocabulary : bilingual , fluent, rusty, pick up a language, reasonably, get by in a


Grammar :

2.Techniques : group work , pair work, communicative approach

3.teaching aids : Cassette, posters, pictures


T’s & Ss’ Activities



1 . Ss work independently and then share their answers with a partner. T may ask for translation of the words/

phrases in the first column to check their understanding. With a stronger class, T may wish to ask Ss to make sentences with the expressions.

2 . a Ss do the exercise individually. Check their answers as a class. Confirm the correct answers.

b . Ss write sentences with the phrases from 2a. Ask some Ss to say their sentences in front of the class.

Other Ss give comments. If time allows, call on two Ss to write their sentences on the board. Other Ss give comments.

Confirm the correct sentences.

Exercise 3:

3 a First, have Ss work individually to match the words/phrases. Then allow them to share their answers before checking with the whole class. T may ask for translation of the phrases in the box to check their understanding. With a stronger class, T may wish to ask Ss to make some example sentences with the words/phrases.

b Ss work independently to complete the passage. Check the answers as a class.


Tones in new and known information

4 Play the recording and ask Ss to listen and repeat the sentences, paying attention to whether the voice on the underlined word in each sentence goes up or down. T may play the recording as many times as necessary. Explain the rule in the REMEMBER! box and ask some Ss to give some more examples.

5 Play the recording and ask Ss to listen to the conversation, paying attention to whether the voice of each second sentence goes up or down. Ask some Ss to give their answers and then play the recording again for Ss to listen, check and repeat. T may play the recording as many times as necessary.

6 First, ask Ss to work in pairs to practise reading aloud the conversation and identify whether the voice on the underlined word in each sentence goes up or down. Then play the recording. Ss listen and draw suitable arrows. T may pause after each sentence and ask them to repeat chorally. Correct their pronunciation if necessary.


Exercise 1:


1. b 2. e 3. a 4. d 5. f 6. c

Exercise 2:


2. at 3. by 4. in 5. of 6. bit 7. up

Exercise 3:

Key (suggested):


1. e 2. h 3. g 4. b 5. a 6. c 7. d 8. f


1. know 2. guess 3. look up 4. have

5. imitate 6. make 7. correct 8. translate


underlined word in each sentence goes up or down


1. Consolidation :

Sts practice the intonation of sentences

2.Homework :

- Do exercise in workbook

- Prepare A CLOSER LOOK 2

Period: 18 Week: 25



I. OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able touse conditional sentences type 2 correctly and appropriately, use relative clauses correctly and appropriately


1. Language content

Vocabulary :

Grammar : conditional sentences type 2

relative clauses

2.Techniques : group work , pair work, communicative approach

3.teaching aids :, posters, pictures


T’s & Ss’ Activities


1. Grammar

Conditional sentences type 2: review

1 a Ask Ss to study part of the conversation. Draw Ss’ attention to how conditional sentences type 2 are

formed and used by analysing the underlined part of the sentence. Draw Ss’ attention to the notes and the examples in the Look out! box. Then ask some more able Ss to give some examples to illustrate.

b First, have Ss work independently, then ask them to share their answers with one or more partners.

Ask some Ss to say their answers aloud. Give comments, and make any correction if necessary.

2 . Have Ss work independently to write the sentences. If there isn’t much time or Ss are not so strong, allocate one or two sentences per student. Then ask them to share their answers with a partner.

Ask some Ss to write their sentences on the board and discuss as a class. Give comments and make any corrections.

3 . Relative clauses

3 a Ask Ss to read part of the conversation from GETTING STARTED, paying attention to the underlined clause. Then have Ss read the REMEMBER! box and explain to Ss the words that are used to introduce a relative clause. Ask Ss to make some examples to illustrate.

b Ask Ss to study the rules in the grammar box. Draw Ss’ attention to the use of relative clauses by analysing the examples in the grammar box in 3b.

4 Ask Ss to do the exercise individually. Remind them to look back to the REMEMBER! box and the grammar

box in 3b. Then have Ss compare their answers in pairs before checking with the whole class.

6 Before allowing Ss to do Exercise 6, ask them to study the rules in the Look out! box. Then have Ss work independently. Ask them to share their answers with a partner. Ask some Ss to say their answers aloud.

Give comments, and make any corrections.


Exercise 1 :



1. No 2. Yes 3. No 4. No 5. No


1. My parents told me they would visit me that week.

2. Our teacher asked us what we were most

worried about.

3. Phuong told me she was so delighted

because she had just received a surprise

birthday present from her sister.

4. Tom said Kate could keep calm even when she had lots of pressure.

5. She told her mother she had got a very high score in her last test.

6. The doctor asked him if he slept at least

eight hours a day.

Exercise 2:


1. If my English were/was good, I would feel confident at interviews.

2. If Minh had time, she would read many English books.

3. If I were you, I would spend more time improving my pronunciation.

4. If Mai didn’t have some friends who were/are native speakers of English, she wouldn’t be so good at the language.

5. If you could speak English, we would

offer you the job.

Exercise 3:

Exercise 4 :


1. who/that 2. where 3. whose 4. when/that 5. whom/who 6. why

6. Key:

2. Parts of the palace where/in which the queen lives are open to the public.

3. English has borrowed many words which/that come from other languages.

4. I moved to a new school where/in which English is taught by native teachers.

5. There are several reasons why I don’t like English.

6. The new girl in our class, whose name is Mi, is reasonably good at English.


1. Consolidation: Have Ss work independently, writing true sentences about themselves. Then ask them to share their sentences with one or more partners to find out how many things they have in common.

2. Homework:

- Do exercise in workbook.


Trên đây là Giáo án tuần 25 môn tiếng Anh 9 mới.

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