Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 10 Unit 5: Technology and you - Lesson 4

Admin 08 Tháng hai, 2018

Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh lớp 10

Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 10 Unit 5: Technology and you - Lesson 4 được TimDapAnsưu tầm và giới thiệu để có thể chuẩn bị giáo án và bài giảng hiệu quả, giúp quý thầy cô tiết kiệm thời gian và công sức làm việc. Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh 10 này được soạn phù hợp quy định Bộ Giáo dục và nội dung súc tích giúp học sinh dễ dàng hiểu bài học hơn.

Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 10 Unit 5: Technology and you - Lesson 2

Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 10 Unit 5: Technology and you - Lesson 3

Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 10 Unit 5: Technology and you - Lesson 5

I. Objectives:

1. Education Aims: Write simple instructions on how to use some household appliances.

2. Knowledge:

a. General knowledge: Writing instructions.

b. Language:

  • Language used in instructions.
  • Connectors and the imperative form of of the verbs.

3. Skills:

  • Reading: read the set of instructions on how to use a public telephone.
  • Speaking: work in pairs and in groups to read, to answer the questions.
  • Writing: write instructions on how to operate a TV with a remote control.

II. Anticipated problems: The verbs used in certain instructions.

III. Teaching Aids: board, textbook, chalk.

IV. Procedures:

Teacher's activities

Students' activities

1. Warm-up: (3 mins)

- Aims: to introduce the topic and to raise sts' interest in the topic.

- Match the word in A with the words in B.


1. insert a. the long pips

2. make b. a button

3. press c. a card

4. hear d. a call

- Ask a member of a group to present the ideas.

- Introduce the topic of the lesson.

2. Before you write: (20 mins)

- Aims:to give sts a chance read samples of some instructions and to help sts to prepare vocabulary and information before they write.

- Explain some new words:

+ lift (v): raise something

+ re'ceiver (n): the part of a telephone that receives the sound.

+ slot (n): a narrow opening to put a card or a coin in

+ 'ambulance (n): a special vehicle used to for carrying sick people to hospital.

+ remote control (n): (picture)

+ cord (n): (realia)

- Ask sts to listen and repeat and then some sts stand up to read again.

+ Task 1:

-Ask sts to work in pairs and read the set of instructions on how to use a public telephone.

T: What should I have to make a call?

T: How many stages are there to operate the telephone?

T: What number shoudl I dial to call the fire service?

- Listen and check.

+ Task 2:

- Ask sts to work in pairs to read the instructions again and find out the connectors and the imperative form of the verbs.

- Ask other sts give remarks.

- Check and give the correct answers.

+ Task 3:

- Ask sts to look at the TV and the remote control in the picture and then work in pairs to answer the questions.

- Move round to conduct the activity and to help sts if necessary.

- Ask some pairs to report and check.

3. While you write: (10 mins)

- Aims: Sts practise writing a set of instructions on how to operate a TV with a remote control.

- Let sts write the instructions.

- Move around to conduct the activity.

4. After you write: (5 mins)

- Get feedback by asking one or two sts to read their work aloud.

- Ask some other sts to give remarks.

- Check and give the correct answer.

5. Homework: (1mins)

- Part D (Page 33- workbook)

- Listen to the teacher.

- Work in groups to match.

- A st stands up to present the ideas:

1 - c; 2 - d; 3 - b; 4 - a.

- Listen to the teacher.

- Copy these words into theit notebooks.

- Listen and read after the teacher.

- Some sts stand up and read aloud, other sts listen and give remarks.

- Read the set of instructions in pairs.

- Answer teacher's questions:

S1: You will need a phone card and the number you are calling.

S2: There are four stages.

S3: You should dial 114.

- Work in pairs to do the task.

- Two sts read their answers aloud:

+ Connectors : first, next, then, until.

+ Verbs : lift, insert, press, wait.

- Check their answers and correct them if they are wrong .

- Listen to the teacher and then work in pairs.

- Some pairs report:

S1: What do you have to make sure if you want to operate the ... ?

S2: If you want to operate ..., you have to make sure that the cord is plugged in and the main is turned on.


- Do the writing task.

- Read their writing:


To turn on the TV, press the POWER button

To turn off the TV, press the POWER button again.

To select a programme, press the PROGRAMME button.

To watch VTV1, press button number 1.

To watch VTV2, press button number 2. ..................................

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