Giáo án tiếng Anh lớp 10 Tuần 3 sách mới

Admin 29 Tháng tám, 2019

Giáo án tiếng Anh lớp 10 chương trình mới Tuần 3

Nằm trong bộ tài liệu Giáo án môn tiếng Anh lớp 10 năm 2019 - 2020, tài liệu giáo án lớp 10 tuần 3 môn tiếng Anh sách mới dưới đây gồm chi tiết 3 bài học trong tuần 3: Lesson 7 Communication and Culture, Lesson 8 Looking back and Project Unit 1 Familly Life và Lesson 1 Getting Started Unit 2 Your Body and You. Mời quý thầy cô tham khảo, download!



Date of teaching:


1. Language focus

- To provide learners some communication samples and cultural items

2. Skills

- To promote Ss to develop their communication skills and cultural understanding

- To help Ss develop the skill of working in pairs and groups

3. Attitudes

- To encourage Ss to work harder

- To provide Ss some motivation


1. Teacher

- Teaching aids: textbook, lesson plan

- Teaching method: Communicative language teaching

2. Students

- Read through English Unit 1 - Communication and Culture at home


1. Class organization (1 minute)

2. Check up (5 minutes)

- Ask some Ss to go to the board and read their writings

3. New lesson (35 minutes)




Discussion - who does what in your family?

1. Look at the pictures and say what is each person doing

Ask Ss to do the task

2. Listen to the TV talk show. Who said what?

Ask Ss to read the statements

Play the recording. Ss listen and do the task

3. Work in groups. Discuss the questions. Then report your group's opinions to the class.

Ask Ss to do the task

The man is doing his housework: do the cooking, cleaning and laundry

The woman is doing her housework: do the cooking, ironing, cleaning, laundry, and looking after the children

They are too busy and tired of their household chores. They look unhappy and They are easy to get angry

Mr. Pham Hoang c, e, g

Mrs Mai Lan: a, f

Mr. Nguyen Nam: b, d

Tape script

TV host: Good evening, welcome to the Happy Family Programme. Our topic today is "Roles in the family" and our guests are Mr. Pham Hoang, an artist, Mr. Nguyen Nam, a teacher and Ms. Mai Lan, a doctor. Now We'll hear what they think the roles of the wife and husband are in today's society. Mr Pham Hoang?

Mr. Pham Hoang: Well, in my opinion, in the family, the husband is the provider while the wife if the homemaker. Her job is to look after everyone in the family and take care of the house to make sure it's clean and neat and that the family has good meals every day.

TV host: So you mean the wife has to do most of the housework? What do you think Ms. Mai Lan?

Ms. Mai Lan: Well I don't think so. Women's roles have changed. They also work to share the financial burden with their husbands, so their husbands should share the household duties with them

TV host: I see. What do you think, Mr. Nguyen Nam?

Mr. Nguyen Nam: I agree with Ms. Mai Lan. Homemaking can't only be the job of the wife or the husband. Both should join hands to provide for the family and to make it happy.

Do as appointed


Read the two test about family life in Singapore and in Vietnam and answer the questions

- Ask Ss to do the task

- Two students read out the texts

- take note new words

nuclear family >< extended family

child minder = baby sitter

nursing home



in Singapore

In Vietnam

Popular type of family

nuclear family

extended family

Child caring

Nursery school or child minder

Grandparents or great grandparents

Old-person caring

Nursing home

Children or grandchildren

Educating children

Taking part in activities of Parent Support Group or Parent Teacher Association

Helping children with their homework, giving them advice on behaviour

4. Consolidation(3 mins)

- Discussion the change in women's and men's roles

- Family life in Singapore and in VN

5. Homework: (1 min)

- Discussion the change in women's and men's roles

- Family life in Singapore and in VN

- Do the task again

- Read Unit 1 - Looking back and Project at home



Date of teaching:


1. Language focus

- To help students revise what they have learned in unit 1

- To give them a chance to do a small project in which they can develop their speaking skills

2. Skills

- To promote Ss to develop their communication skills and cultural understanding

- To help Ss develop the skill of working in pairs and groups

3. Attitudes

- To encourage Ss to work harder

- To provide Ss some motivation


1. Teacher

- Teaching aids: textbook, lesson plan

- Teaching method: Communicative language teaching

2. Students

- Read through English Unit 1 - Looking back and Project


1. Class organization (1 minute)

2. Check up (5 minutes)

- Ask some Ss to go to the board talk about family life in Singapore and in VN

3. New lesson (35 minutes)





- Play the recording and let Ss listen and write

/tr/, /br/ and /kr/ above the word that has the corresponding consonant cluster sound. Then, put Ss in pairs to practise reading the sentences


1. What are the people doing?

- Let Ss work in pairs to write the name of the chore under each picture

2. Use the words/phrases to complete the text

- Ask Ss to read the text carefully, using the context clues to decide which word/phrase can be used


1. Finish the sentences with either the present simple or the present continuous

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to finish these sentences

2. Work in groups. Discuss the following questions

Put Ss in groups to discuss the questions

- Do as appointed

cream /kr/

brushed /br/

crashed /kr/

tree /tr/

traffic /tr/

try /tr/

created /kr/

brother /br/

brown /br/

bread /br/

breakfast /br/

brave /br/

travelling /tr/

train /tr/

true /tr/

crime /kr/

increasing /kr/

- Do as appointed

1. preparing meals

2. shopping for groceries

3. doing the laundry

4. taking out rubbish

5. cleaning the toilet

6. doing the washing-up

7. doing the ironing

8. sweeping the house

9. watering house plants

10. feeding the cat

- Do as appointed

1. does the cooking

2. shops for groceries

3. does the heavy lifting

4. laundry

5. ironing

6. takes out the rubbish

7. sweeping the floor/house

8. lays the table

9. does the washing up

- Work in pairs, do the task

1. am writing/ miss

2. am looking after

3. looks/ is wearing

4. am cooking

5. are you reading

6. do people in your family do

- Work in groups, do the task


1. Do a survey

Ask Ss to do the survey

2. Work in groups, compare your findings and reports to the class

Let the groups have some time together the assemble the results of their survey

- Do as appointed

4. Consolidation(3 mins)

- Revise what Ss have learnt in unit 1

- Do a survey and report the result

5. Homework: (1 min)

- Revise what Ss have learnt in unit 1

- Do a survey and report the result

- Do the task again

- Read Unit 2 - Getting started


Date of planning: GETTING STARTED - An apple a day

Date of teaching:


1. Language focus

- To help learners get started with some language items in Unit 2

- For vocabulary, that is words and phrases related to illnesses and health

- For pronunciation, that is how to pronounce /pr, pl, gr, gl/

- For grammar, that is the distinction between the future simple and going to and the revision of the passive voice

2. Skills

- To help learners get started with 4 skills in Unit 2

- Reading: Read about acupuncture

- Speaking: Speak about getting rid of bad habits

- Listening: Listen to a text of choosing a healthy diet

- Writing: Write about what to eat and not to eat

3. Attitudes

- To help Ss get started for Unit 2 with the topic "your body and you"

- To provide Ss some motivation


1. Teacher

- Teaching aids: textbook, lesson plan

- Teaching method: Communicative language teaching

2. Students

- Read through English Unit 2 - getting started at home


1. Class organization (1 minute)

2. Check up (5 minutes)

Revise vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation of unit 1

3. New lesson (35 minutes)



Lead in

Ask Ss to make a list of healthy and unhealthy things

- Healthy things: fruit, fruit juice, milk, vegetable, vitamin, fish, beef, physical exercise

- Unhealthy things: wine, beer, coffee, cigarette, lack of physical exercise

1. Listen and read

Ask Ss listen to the recording and read the conversation

- take notes some new words

saying = idiom = proverb

sick = ill

lose weight >< gain weight / put on weight

disease = illness = sickness = malady

incredible = unbelievable = amazing/surprising

get a disease

Alzheimer's disease

boost = rise = encourage = promote

brain's memory function

2. Work in pairs. read the conversation again and answer the question

Ask Ss to work in pairs and do the task

Asks Ss to give the reasons for their answers

- Work in pairs, answer the questions

1. This saying means apples in particular and fruits in general are good for our health

2. Eating apples or drinking apple juice can bring about 3 main benefits: helping you to lose weight, build healthy bones and prevent diseases like cancer.

3. It affects memory or the brain

4. He feels surprised at the benefit of apples and apple juice.

3. Listen and repeat the words/phrases

Ask Ss to listen to the recording and repeat the words/phrases








4. Wise words: laughter is the best medicine

Ask Ss to work in groups to report on a time when laughter was the best medicine for them

When I failed my math examination last semester and had to retake it, I felt really upset and ashamed of myself. I avoided meeting my friends and just stayed at home during summer holiday, but my close friend was very helpful and sympathetic. She encouraged me and cheered me up by telling me jokes and making me laugh. The laughter really helped and I could be more comfortable and confident.

4. Consolidation(3 mins)

- Benefits of apples and apple juice mentioned in the conversation

- Practice the conversation

5. Homework: (1 min)

- Benefits of apples and apple juice mentioned in the conversation

- Practice the conversation

- Do the task again

- Read Unit 2 - Language at home

Trên đây là giáo án tuần 3 môn tiếng Anh lớp 10 mới.

Xem thêm giáo án tiếng Anh 10 cả năm tại: Giáo án tiếng Anh lớp 10 mới thí điểm trọn bộ năm học 2019 - 2020. Mời bạn đọc tham khảo thêm nhiều tài liệu ôn tập Tiếng Anh 10 cả năm khác như: Để học tốt Tiếng Anh lớp 10, Đề thi học kì 1 lớp 10, Đề thi học kì 2 lớp 10, Bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp 10 theo từng Unit trực tuyến,.... được cập nhật liên tục trên Tìm Đáp Án.

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