Unit 1: The Generation Gap - Khoảng cách thế hệ

Getting started trang 6 Unit 1 SGK Tiếng Anh 11 mới

Find other compound nouns in the conversation. Use a dictionary to look up their meanings, if necessary.

Language - trang 8 - Unit 1 SGK Tiếng Anh 11 mới

1. Listen and repeat these sentences. Pay attention to the stressed words with the mark (’) before the stressed syllables.

Skills - trang 11 - Unit 1 SGK Tiếng Anh 11 mới

You are going to read a text about conflicts between parents and their teenage children. Which of the following do you think you may find in the text.

Communication and culture - trang 15 Unit 1 SGK Tiếng Anh 11 mới

Read the following text about the coming back of the extended families and answer the questions.

Looking Back - trang 16 Unit 1 SGK Tiếng Anh 11 mới

Identify the stressed words and put a stress mark (') before their stressed syllables in the following statements. Listen and check your answers.

Project trang 17 Unit 1 SGK Tiếng Anh 11 mới

The class is divided into groups of 6 to 8. Your group will interview 15 teenagers, aged 15-17, who live in your area, and take notes of their answers. Report your group’s findings to the whole class.

Vocabulary - Phần từ vựng - Unit 1 Tiếng Anh 11 mới

Tổng hợp từ vựng (Vocabulary) SGK tiếng Anh 11 mới unit 1

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