Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 9: Revision 1

Admin 05 Tháng hai, 2018

Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh lớp 9

Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 9: Revision 1 được TimDapAnsưu tầm và giới thiệu để có thể chuẩn bị giáo án và bài giảng hiệu quả, giúp quý thầy cô tiết kiệm thời gian và công sức làm việc. Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh 9 này được soạn phù hợp quy định Bộ Giáo dục và nội dung súc tích giúp học sinh dễ dàng hiểu bài học hơn.

Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 9: Consolidation 5

Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 9: Consolidation 6

Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 9: Revision 2

A/ Aims

Help Ss to revise the knowlage of the second term.

1. Knowledge:

* Vocabulary: Vobab from U6 to U10

* Grammar: the tenses, “wish” in sentences.

2. Skills: reading, writing.

3. Attitude: Students know to do some kinds of exercise.

4. Shaping and developing students’ abilities: observing, self-management, comprehension, collaborative-learning, presentation, communication, summarizing abilities.

B. Preparations:

1. Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, reference book, excercise book.

2. Students: Text-books, notebooks, reference books...

C. Procedures:

I/ Organization: (1') - Greeting

Checking attendance

II/ Warm-up: (5') -Ask Ss to complete the net-work

Present simple

III/ New lesson: (37')


Teacher’s and

Students’ activities


1. Present simple

1.1. Usage: Diễn tả một hành động thường xuyên xảy ra, hành động lặp đi lặp lại, một sự thật hiển nhiên.

1.2. Forms:

a. To be: (+) S + be …..

(-) S + be + not …..

(?) (Wh) + be + S …..

b. Ordinal verbs: (+) S + V(s/es) + O

(-) S + do/does + not + V + O

(?) (Wh) + do/does + S + V + O?

1.3. The signs: Adverbs of frequency

never, often, usually, frequently, always, sometimes, every (day/week/night/month…)

*Note: Adv(fre) luôn đi trước động từ thường, nhưng đi sau động từ TO BE và các trợ động từ (do/does/did/can...)

2. Present progressive

2.1. Usage:

Diễn tả một hành động đang xảy ra tại thời điểm nói.

2.2. Forms: (+) S + am/is/are + V-ing + O

(-) S + am/is/are + not + V-ing + O

(?) (wh) + be + S + V-ing + O ?

2.3. Signs: now, at the moment, at present, right now

3.Present perfect

3.1. Usage:

- Diễn tả một hành động vừa mới xảy ra

- Hành động xảy ra trong quá khứ mà không rõ thời gian

- Hành động xảy ra trong quá khứ và còn liên quan đến hiện tại còn tiếp diễn đến tương lai.

- Hành động xảy ra lặp đi lặp lại nhiều lần

3.2. form: (+) S + has/have + V-pp + O

(-) S + has/have + not + V-pp + O

(?) (wh) + has/have + S + V-pp + O?

3.3. Signs: (just, ever, never, already) đi sau have/has

(recently, lately, yet) đặt cuối câu.

since, for, so far, up to now, twice, three times, many times, not…yet.

4. Past simple

4.1. Usage: Diễn tả một hành động đã xảy ra trong quá khứ và chấm dứt hẳn trong QK.

4.2. form:

a. Tobe: S + was/were …..

b. Ordinal verbs: (+) S + V-ed + O

(-) S + did not + Vinf + O

(?) (Wh) + did + S + Vinf + O?

4.3. Signs: yesterday, ago, last (week/month/ year/ … )

5. Past progressive

5.1. Usage:

-Diễn tả một hành động đang xảy ra trong quá khứ tại 1 thời điểm xác định cụ thể.

-Diễn tả hai hay nhiều hành động cùng xảy ra trong quá khứ. (While)

- Diễn tả một hành động xảy ra thì một hành động khác đến cắt ngang.(When)

5.2. Forms: (+) S + was/were + V-ing + O

(-) S + was/were + not + V-ing + O

(?) (Wh) + was/were + S + V- ing + O?

6. Past perfect.

6.1. usage.

- Diễn tả một hành động xảy ra và đã hoàn thành trong quá khứ.

- Trong câu có hai hành động thì hành động xảy ra trước dùng ở quá khứ hoàn thành còn hành động sau dùng thì quá khứ đơn)

6.2.Forms: (+) S + had + V-(pp) + O.

(-) S + had + not + V-(pp) + O.

(?) (Wh) + had + S + V-(pp) + O?

* eg: -We had lived in Hue before 1975.

-After the children had finished their homework, they went to bed.

= Before the children went to bed, they had finished their homework

7. Future simple

7.1. Usage: Diễn tả một hành động sẽ xảy ra ở tương lai.

7.2. Forms: (+) S + will + Vinf + O.

(-) S + will + not + V + O

(?) (Wh) + will + S + V + O?

7.3. Signs: Tomorrow, next (week/ month …), soon

8. Near future. (Be going to)

8.1. Usage: Diễn tả hành động sắp xảy ra hoặc một dự định sắp tới, một kế hoạch.

8.2. Forms: (+) S + is/am/are + going to + V + O.

(-) S + is/am/are + not + going to + V + O.

(?) (Wh) + be + S + going to + V + O?

9. Wish

Động từ Wish = If only (ao ước) thường dùng để diễn tả những ước muốn, những điều không có thật hoặc rất khó thực hiện.

Có 3 loại câu ước.

9.1.Future wish:(ước muốn ở tương lai)

* form: S1 + wish + S2 + would/could + V(inf) + O.

If only + S + would/ could + V(inf) + O.

eg:- I wish I would be an astronaut in the future.

- Tom wishes he could visit Paris next summer.

- If only I would take the trip with you next Sunday.

9.2. Present wish( ước muốn ở hiện tại)

* form: S1 + wish + S2 + V-ed + O

+ could + V(inf)

+ were + adj/ n

* Note: dùng were cho tất cả các ngôi

eg: - I wish I were rich (but I am poor now)

- I can’t swim. I wish I could swim.

- If only Ben were here (but Ben isn’t here. I wish he were here)

- We wish that we didn’t have to go to class today (but we have go to class today)

9.3.Past wish: (ước muốn ở quá khứ) (lớp 10,11,12)

* form: S1 + wish + S2 + had + V-(pp) +O + could have + V-(pp) + O


Ex1. Give correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1. Be quiet ! The baby (sleep) ………………………

2. The sun (set)…………………. in the West.

3. Mr Green always (go)…………. to work by bus.

4. It (not rain)………………… in the dry season.

5. They (have) ……………..lunch in the cafeteria now.

6. My little sister (drink)……………. milk every day.

7. The doctor sometimes (return) …………... home late.

8. He (write) …………………..a long novel at present.

9. Look! The bus (come)……………………

10. The earth (move)……………….. around the sun.

11. Something (smell)…….….. good in the kitchen now.

12. His uncle (teach)…………….. English in our school five years ago.

13. The old man( fall)……. as he (get) ….… into the bus.

14. When I saw him, he (sit)…………. asleep in a chair.

15. There (be)…..….. a lot of noise at the fair yesterday.

16. It (take).…. me 5 minutes to walk to school last year.

17. They (not speak)…. to each other since they quarreled.

18. I (try)…………. to learn English for years, but I (not succeed)………… yet

19. I (not see)………………… her since last week.

20. John( do)…………… his homework already.

21. The train (start)…..... before we arrived at the station.

22. There (be)……………… an English class in this room tomorrow evening.

23. The film already (begin)…………… when we got to the cinema.

24. …………. (you/ stay)………… at home tonight?

25. I( be)…………….. twenty years old next June.

26. Where are you?- I’m upstairs. I (have)…….... a bath.

27. All of them (sing)……. when I (come)……………..

28. What……….. you (do)………… at 7 p.m yesterday?

29. Where………….. you (spend)………….. your holiday last year?

30. Why didn’t you listen while I (speak)………. to you?

Ex2. Give correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1. A: I (not see)……………….. Andrew for weeks.

B: Nor me, It’s weeks since I last (see)……..… him.

2. A: What………(you/do)………………… last night?

B: Well, I ……..(be) very tired, so I …..(go) to bed very early.

3. A: ………. (you/ meet) ……… Julie recently?

B: Yes, I …….(see) her a few days ago.

4. A: Are you still playing tennis?

B: No, I …..(not be) able to play tennis since I (break) ……… my arm.

5. A: What part of birmingham. ……… (you/live) ……… when you …….. (be) a student?

B: A place called Selly Oak ……. (you/ever/be) there?

Ex3. Give correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1. She wishes her father ( be)_____ here now to help her

2. I wish they (visit) ______us when they were in town.

3. I wish someone (give) ______ me a job next month.

4. If only I (can take) _______the trip to Hanoi with her next summer.

5. I wish they (know) _______ the truth yesterday.

6. I wish I (see) _______ that film on TV again.

7. We wish she (be) _______ our teacher of English.

8. My brother wishes he (not waste) ______ time when he was young.

9. They wish they (come) _______ to class on time yesterday morning.

10. I wish I (spend) _______ my last summer vacation in the mountains.

11. I wish she (come) _______ to see me yesterday.

12. If only I (have) ________more time to do this job.

13. He missed an exciting football match on TV last night. He wishes he (watch) ________ it.

14. I wish you (not give) ________them my phone number yesterday.

15. We wish we (understand) _______all the teacher’s explanation yesterday.

-T asks Ss to repeat the usage, the forms and the signs of present simple tense.

-Ss answer Tʹqs.

-Ss repeat the rules

-T comments on

-T asks Ss to repeat the usage, the forms and the signs of present progressive

-Ss answer Tʹqs.

-T asks Ss to repeat the usage, the forms and the signs of present perfect

-Ss answer Tʹqs.

-Ss repeat the rules

-Ss comment on partners’ answers.

-T comments on

-T asks Ss to repeat the usage, the forms and the signs of past simple tense.

-Ss answer Tʹqs.

-T comments on

-T asks Ss to repeat the usage, the forms and the signs of past progressive

-Ss answer Tʹqs.

-Ss repeat the rules

-T comments on

-T asks Ss to repeat the usage, the forms of present simple tense.

-Ss answer Tʹqs.

-Ss repeat the rules

-T comments on

-T asks Ss to repeat the usage, the forms and the signs of future simple tense.

-Ss answer Tʹqs.

-T comments on

-T asks Ss to repeat the usage, the forms and the signs of near future

-Ss answer Tʹqs.

-T comments on

-T asks Ss to repeat the usage, the forms of sentences with “wish”

-Ss answer Tʹqs.

-Ss repeat the rules

-Ss comment on partners’ doing

-T comments on

-T gives some exrcises

-Ss take note and do

-T gives the keys.


1. is sleeping 2. sets

3. goes 4. does not rain

5. are having 6. drinks

7. returns 8. is writing

9. is coming 10. moves

11. smells 12. taught

13. fell / got 14. was sitting

15. was 16. took

17. have n’t spoken

18. have tries

19. have not seen 20. has done

21. had started 22. will be

23. had already begun

24. will you stay

25. will be 26. am having

27. were singing; came 28. were …. doing

29. did ….. spend 30. was speaking


1. haven’t seen


2. did you do

was ; went

3. have you met


4. haven’t been ; broke

5. did you live ; were

have you ever been


1. were 2. visited 3. would give

4. could take

5.had known 6. would see

7.were 8. had not wasted

9. had come

10. had spent

11. had come 12. had

13. had watched

14. had not given

15. had understood

Nếu bạn không thấy nội dung bài viết được hiển thị. Vui lòng tải về để xem. Nếu thấy hay thì các bạn đừng quên chia sẻ cho bạn bè nhé!