Giáo án tiếng Anh lớp 2 Chân trời sáng tạo học kì 2 năm 2023

Admin 29 Tháng bảy, 2021

Giáo án lớp 2 môn tiếng Anh học kì 2 Family and Friends national edition

Nằm trong bộ Giáo án tiếng Anh lớp 2 cả năm 2021 - 2022, Giáo án tiếng Anh 2 học kì 2 bộ Chân trời sáng tạo dưới đây do Tìm Đáp Án sưu tầm và đăng tải. Giáo án học kì 2 tiếng Anh lớp 2 Chân trời sáng tạo bao gồm gợi ý giáo án giảng dạy - Lesson plans các bài học: Unit 4, Unit 5, Unit 6, Fluency time 2 giúp thầy cô lên giáo án tiếng Anh phù hợp với chương trình học tại từng nhà trường hiệu quả.

School :

Subject : ENGLISH

Class : 2


Periods : 35


Teacher : ……………………………..……………………………..


Week : 19

Lesson duration : 35 minutes

I. AIMS: Students know how to say different types of transportation.

II. OBJECTIVES: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to

identify different types of transportation

practice different types of transportation in the form of a chant


Language focus: listening, speaking

Vocabulary: bus, bike, boat, car, truck, motorbike


Flash cards 30-35, audio tracks 56-57

Stickers, worksheet





Warm up

5 mins

- Greet students

Hello song

- Ask students sing along the song

- Stick Class rules

whole class


3 mins

Miming game: dress, socks, T-shirt, pants, shorts, shoes

Ask one student to mime, others look and guess

whole class

Present information

5 mins

Lead in:

Tell your students, “Look at my suitcase, what do I have?”

- Use Flashcards 30-36 to introduce the vocabulary for this lesson.

- Hold the flashcards up one at a time and ask: What’s this?

- Say the words for children to repeat in chorus.

- Put the flashcards in different places around the room.

- Say a word.

- Students point to the card and repeat the word in chorus.

whole class



Guided practice

7 mins

1. Listen and point. Track 56

- Play the track 56, listen and point

- Play again, ask students to listen and point

- Play again, ask students to listen and repeat

2. Listen and chant. Track 57

- Students listen to track 57

- Divide the class into 6 groups

- Give each group a flashcard

- Play the chant again

- Students listen and stand up when they hear their group’s clothing.

- Students listen and chant along

Game: matching

Match the words to the correct flashcards


Pair/ group practice

10 mins

3. Point and say. Stick

- Show students how to do:

· Point to each type of transportation, say the word with students

· Say:” Let’s stick!

· Stick the sticker and say: “truck”

- Ask students to work in pairs to say and stick

- Go around to help


Below level: Divide the class into 6 groups. Give each group a flashcard. Play the chant again. Students listen and stand up when they hear their group’s type of transportation.

At level: Hold up a flashcard, students say and spell the word

Above level: ask students to categorize into no wheels/ 2 wheels/ 4 wheels/..

Ask them to think of other ways to group them.

4. Workbook p.30

- Ask student to do exercise in workbook p.30

- Go around to help and encourage the students


Part 1:

- Model first

- Point to each transportation and ask students: “What is it?

- Ask students to read the words

- Say: Match. Draw a line to match the word to the picture

Part 2:

- Model first

- Point to number 1 and ask: “What’s it?

- Elicit the answer: “car

- Write the word car below

- Say: “Now your turn!”

























































5 mins

Draw your favorite type of transportation

Goodbye song




Trên đây là Giáo án học kì 2 lớp 2 môn tiếng Anh Chân trời sáng tạo. Ngoài ra, Tìm Đáp Án đã đăng tải rất nhiều tài liệu tiếng Anh Chân trời sáng tạo khác nhau như:

Giáo án tiếng Anh 2 Family and Friends national editions học kì 1

Giáo án tiếng Anh lớp 2 sách Chân trời sáng tạo

Phân phối chương trình tiếng Anh 2 Chân trời sáng tạo

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