Đáp án Olympic English 2021

Bùi Thế Hiển
Admin 11 Tháng ba, 2021

Đáp án cuộc thi Olympic tiếng Anh cho học sinh, sinh viên toàn quốc năm 2021 dưới đây do Tìm Đáp Án sưu tầm và đăng tải. Vòng 1 Hội thi Olympic Tiếng Anh Toàn quốc lần thứ 4 bắt đầu từ ngày 03/01/2021 đến ngày 27/03/2021. 

I. Cấu trúc đề thi Olympic tiếng Anh 2021 vòng 1

Mỗi lần làm bài thi, thí sinh trả lời 60 câu hỏi trong vòng 20 phút, nội dung câu hỏi gồm 3 loại:

+ Loại 1: 30 câu hỏi thuộc dạng kiểm tra từ vựng. Các từ vựng nằm trong 3.000 từ phổ thông thường dùng của tiếng Anh.

+ Loại 2: 20 câu hỏi thuộc dạng kiểm tra kiến thức ngữ pháp. Các kiến thức ngữ pháp thuộc các dạng ngữ pháp cơ bản.

+ Loại 3: 10 câu hỏi thuộc loại dạng kiểm tra từ vựng khó, đây là dạng câu hỏi từ vựng không có hiển thị hình minh họa, chỉ có định nghĩa bằng tiếng Anh. Các từ vựng kiểm tra sẽ nằm trong 1,500 từ của đề thi IELTS.

Thời gian sẽ được tính từ lúc thí sinh bắt đầu thi cho đến khi kết thúc bài thi, tổng thời gian tối đa của bài thi là 20 phút. Với 50 câu đầu tiên mỗi câu trả lời đúng được 5 điểm mỗi câu hỏi, trả lời sai không có điểm. Với 10 câu cuối cùng, mỗi câu trả lời sai sẽ bị trừ 5 điểm. Điểm số tối đa của thi sinh trong vòng thi này là 300 điểm. Thí sinh có thể lựa chọn kết thúc bài thi bất kỳ lúc nào. Điểm số và thời gian ở thời điểm kết thúc bài thi là kết quả xếp hạng cuối cùng.

II. Đáp án đề thi vòng 1 cuộc thi Olympic tiếng Anh 2021 (08/03 - 14/03)

1. Choose one correct answer to fill in the blank

Everything in the ....... is lovely.

D garden ✔

2. Choose one correct answer to fill in the blank

How ....... money do you have?

A much✔

3. Identify the meaning of the underlined word or phrase

I've looked everywhere for my passport and can only assume it has gone astray.

D got lost✔

4. Choose one correct answer to fill in the blank

The ants shook their heads at him and asked him why he hadn't ....... up food in the summer.

B stored✔

5. Choose one correct answer to fill in the blank

I asked you ....... of these shoes you think would go with my outt.

A whose✔

6. Choose one correct answer to fill in the blank

One of that child's teeth is very ....... and will soon fall out.

D loose✔

7. Choose one correct answer to fill in the blank

Barbara, your boyfriend is waiting for you ....... in the car.

B outside✔

8. Identify the meaning of the underlined word or phrase

Between you and me, so don't tell anyone, I'm sure he'll lose the election.

A In truth✔

9. Choose one correct answer to fill in the blank

Christina loves to .......!

D sow✔

10. Choose one correct answer to fill in the blank

The rescuers tried desperately to listen out for people trapped in the wreckage but sadly the cries of those trapped were ........

A unhearing✔

11. Identify the meaning of the underlined word or phrase

I can't wait to hear about your English class.

A am eager to✔

12. Choose one correct answer to fill in the blank

How ....... does the book cost?

A much✔

13. Choose one correct answer to fill in the blank

Now remember don't be late with your thesis and don't forget the ....... is Tuesday week.

C deadline✔

14. Choose one correct answer to fill in the blank

You can't compare the ....... of watching live theatre with watching a lm.

B experience✔

15. Choose one correct answer to fill in the blank

He saw the ants and ....... them with all the strength he could nd to let him have a little food.

B bade✔

16. Choose one correct answer to fill in the blank

Everything is so much bigger than you expect and you are constantly ....... your head from side to side.

B testing✔

17. Choose one correct answer to fill in the blank

Why are you angry ....... him?

D with✔

18. Choose one correct answer to fill in the blank

Alan: Excuse me ....... but what are you doing?

C interrupting✔

19. Choose one correct answer to fill in the blank

Oh, come on it's ....... not that dicult.

D surely✔

20. Choose one correct answer to fill in the blank

Right. What's this? Oh no, you're ....... me out of the rm.

A leaving✔

21. Choose the correct denition


B noun: birds such as chicken, turkey, duck, and geese that are raised as food✔

22. Choose the correct denition


A noun: the reason why something is made or done✔

23. Choose the correct denition


D noun: the ability to remember information, experiences, and people✔

24. Choose the correct denition


D noun: a raised surface for people to stand on, especially when they are speaking to a lot of people ✔

25. Choose the correct denition


C noun: a line, or a portion of a line, with dened endpoints✔

D adjective: too expensive

26. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest

A colony✔

27. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest

B surgery✔

28. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest

B condential✔

29. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest

C overlap✔

30. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest

B migration✔

31. Complete the sentence with the better correlative conjunctions.

In Kathakali, a classical dance of southwestern India, men and boys traditionally perform ___ the male ___ the female roles in the dance.

B both…and✔

32. Choose the word that best describes or modies the word in bold.

The recent snowfall in the mountains triggered several avalanches that proved to be ___.

B devastating✔

33. Choose one correct answer to fill in the blank

Diner: In that ....... I'll try the roast beef.

B case✔

34. Choose one correct answer to fill in the blank

Doctors often use X rays ....... they can pass through skin and esh.

A so that✔

35. Find the part of the sentence which is incorrect

B. No, you're wrong I didn't employ my name. The car is still mine because I signed it Mickey


B employ✔

36. Choose one correct answer to fill in the blank

Sea turtle eggs ....... to protect from ....... by other animals.

A are buried/ being eaten✔

37. Complete the text with the better conjunctive adverb.

After Louis Meyer won the 1936 Indianapolis 500, he drank buttermilk to celebrate. ___, it became atradition for the winner to drink milk before accepting the trophy.

B Thus✔

38. Choose the word that best describes or modies the word in bold.

I need to nd a ___ tutor who can help me with chemistry.

B friendly✔

39. Choose one correct answer to fill in the blank

Andrea's husband is a truck driver. He ....... huge semi-trailers for a living.

B drives✔

40. Choose one correct answer to fill in the blank

Charlie: Well, it all started when my wife ....... out on me.

B rushed✔

41. Find the part of the sentence which is incorrect

B. Yes, I understand this is a very important documentary but I must get my glasses before I do


B documentary✔

42. Select the best pronoun to complete the sentence.

You and I shouldn't compare ___ to others. Everyone has different strengths and weaknesses.

B ourselves✔

43. Choose one correct answer to fill in the blank

Lyle Lovett, ....... I last saw perform over ten years ago, is on tour again.

C who✔

44. Choose one correct answer to fill in the blank

You ....... the air pressure in your tires if you do not want to get a at tire on your trip.

A should be checked✔

45. Choose one correct answer to fill in the blank

Maria wasn't at the party last night, was .......?

A she✔

46. Choose one correct answer to fill in the blank

The book is optional. My professor said we ....... read it if we needed extra information for the essay. But we ....... read it if we don't want to.

D can / should not✔

47. Choose one correct answer to fill in the blank

Hello, my name is Bob! I haven't anything to do tonight, so if you're not busy, would you like to watch .......movie or something with me?

A a✔

48. Choose one correct answer to fill in the blank

I heard the sound of glass breaking in the living room and ran to see what had happened. A pigeon had own ....... the window and broken it.

B from✔

49. Select the best pronoun to complete the sentence.

Does it annoy ___ when I talk about politics? There's nothing wrong with a friendly debate!

B you✔

50. Choose one correct answer to fill in the blank

....... was the youngest person to be elected President of the United States?

D Who✔

51. Identify the meaning of the word or phrase


C great excitement for or interest in a subject or cause; feeling of excitement✔

52. Identify the meaning of the word or phrase


D broadly sympathetic; universal; related to Roman Catholic Church✔

53. Identify the meaning of the word or phrase


A unjust act; practice of being unjust or unfair✔

54. Identify the meaning of the word or phrase


B breakdown; failure✔

55. Identify the meaning of the word or phrase


B. condence; mood or spirit of a group that makes the members wants the group to succeed✔

56. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest

D exonerate✔

57. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest

A diminutive✔

58. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest

C bigamy✔

59. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest

B succulent✔

60. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest

D watermelon✔

III. Đáp án đề thi vòng 1 cuộc thi Olympic English 2021 (Từ 01/03 - 07/03)

1. Choose one correct answer to fill in the blank ....... 4 of my grandparents are still alive.

A. Both ✔

2. Identify the meaning of the underlined word or phrase

I can see there are no flies on you but you must admit it is very cheap.

D. you're not stupid ✔

3. Choose one correct answer to fill in the blank

....... is that guy talking to your sister?

C. Who ✔

4. Choose one correct answer to fill in the blank

There are eight pets in my house. Six are cats and ....... are dogs.

D the others ✔

5. Choose one correct answer to fill in the blank

Old lady: All I want to know is ....... day today is.

A .what ✔

6. Choose one correct answer to fill in the blank

At ....... I think she's very pretty.

D. Least ✔

7. Choose one correct answer to fill in the blank

Mike: 'Guess how much income tax I pay.'

Jane: '.......'

D. I haven't a clue.✔

8. Choose one correct answer to fill in the blank

I'm tired of waiting for buses, I'm going there ....... foot.

B. on✔

9. Choose one correct answer to fill in the blank

Charles: That's really ....... I find that difficult to believe.

B. amazing✔

10. Choose one correct answer to ll in the blank

The RM has expanded and they want to ....... on extra staff.

D. take✔

11. Identify the meaning of the underlined word or phrase

I know you are very sorry that you broke the pot but accidents will happen.

C. things take place often✔

12. Choose one correct answer to fill in the blank

My mother was very angry; she couldn't stop ....... up and down the hallway.

C. Pacing ✔

13. Choose one correct answer to ll in the blank

C. How ✔

14. Choose one correct answer to fill in the blank

Distributors will probably bump ....... the price of the software when the next version is released.

A. Up ✔

15. Identify the meaning of the underlined word or phrase

I simply can't stand sugar in my tea or coffee.

D. can't allow ✔

16. Choose one correct answer to fill in the blank

After two rings of the bell she suddenly ....... in the doorway.

C. appeared✔

17. Choose one correct answer to fill in the blank

These days I wish I could turn the clock ....... and tell Doris how right she was!

D. back✔

18. Choose one correct answer to fill in the blank

Last night, I ....... I was calling the police, and today I really did it.

C. dreamed✔

19. Choose one correct answer to fill in the blank

You're an asset to our team. .......

C. Keep it up! ✔

20. Choose one correct answer to ll in the blank

I see you have a ....... in your car.

C. map✔

21. Choose the correct denition


B consisting of things or people that are all the same or all of the same type✔

22. Choose the correct denition

put the rubbish out

C. verb: throw away waste in house✔

23. Choose the correct denition


A. noun: the time when you are not working ✔

24. Choose the correct denition


A. noun: a vegetable with a short stem and a circular, thick head of green or purple leaves ✔

25. Choose the correct denition


D. Capable of destroying or inhibiting the growth of microorganisms✔

26. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest

C. spirited✔

27. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest

D. horizontal✔

28. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest

D. inheritance✔

29. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest

B. punctuation✔

30. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest

B. technological✔

31. Choose one correct answer to fill in the blank

....... you really help me? If so, I should be most grateful.

A. Could✔

32. Choose one correct answer to fill in the blank

When I arrived, no arrangements ........

A. had been made✔


33. Choose one correct answer to ll in the blank

She suddenly realized that she only had a few days left on her vacation, so she decided to ....... the most of it.

A. make✔

34. Choose one correct answer to fill in the blank

What's your view of what's coming next? - .......

B. Things can only get better.✔

35. Choose one correct answer to ll in the blank

Michelle screamed when she saw the spider ....... dangled from the one clean bathroom towel.

C. that✔

36. Choose one correct answer to ll in the blank

Could you please turn ....... the stereo? The music is interesting.

A. up✔

37. Find the part of the sentence which is incorrect

If you like, I can say you more about this wonderful event.

B. say✔

38. Find the part of the sentence which is incorrect

Ah, you must have muddling up the last two digits because you obviously dialled 8 - 5 instead of 5- 8.

B. muddling✔

39. Choose one correct answer to fill in the blank

....... to speak?

A. To whom did the reporter want✔

40. Choose one correct answer to fill in the blank

Bob ran 100 meters ....... 11 seconds.

A. in✔

41. Choose one correct answer to fill in the blank

Don't you think this would be the ....... spot for a picnic?

D. most lovely✔

42. Complete the sentence with the best verb.

The photograph and story in today's paper perfectly ___ the spirit of our town.

A. capture✔

43. Choose one correct answer to ll in the blank

....... drive me home later?

A. Do you think you can✔

44. Choose one correct answer to fill in the blank

I didn't go with them since I ....... for a test on the following day.

A. must have prepared✔

45. Complete the text with the better conjunctive adverb.

When electronic waste isn't disposed of properly, it releases toxic chemicals and cancer-causing

agents that seep into groundwater. ___, e-waste that isn't processed according to strict guidelines

can poison wildlife and people.

A. Nevertheless✔

46. Choose one correct answer to fill in the blank

You were the last one ....... the oce. Did you see anyone ....... the building?

C. left / entering✔

47. Choose the word that best completes the sentence.

The ___ department store manager helped me select the perfect gift for my niece's sixteenth


A. friendly✔

48. Choose one correct answer to fill in the blank

We wanted to go to the beach. ......., it started to rain and we stayed at home.

A. However✔

49. Choose one correct answer to fill in the blank

I don't want anybody but ....... to work on this project.

B. her✔

50. Choose one correct answer to fill in the blank

He may never speak to me again if he ....... out what happened.

A. will nd✔

51. Identify the meaning of the word or phrase


C. rich; fruitful; inventive; creative; intellectually productive✔

52. Identify the meaning of the word or phrase


B foam, or troth, or the sediment, of beer or other in fermentation✔

53. Identify the meaning of the word or phrase


B. light perceived before the rising, and after the setting, of the sun; faint light; dubious or uncertain medium through which anything is viewed ✔

54. Identify the meaning of the word or phrase


A. continuous, unwavering course; exact meaning or actual wording of a document✔

55. Identify the meaning of the word or phrase


C. teeth of elephant; pale or grayish yellow to yellowish white✔

56. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest

B. Antarctica ✔

57. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest

C. unappreciated✔

58. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest

B. coexist ✔

59. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest

D. labyrinth✔

60. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest

B. dispensary✔

Trên đây là Đáp án Vòng 1 cuộc thi Olympic tiếng Anh học sinh, sinh viên toàn quốc năm 2021. Mời bạn đọc tham khảo thêm nhiều tài liệu ôn tập Tiếng Anh cơ bản khác như: Tài liệu luyện kỹ năng Tiếng Anh cơ bản, Ôn tập Ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh, Luyện thi Tiếng Anh trực tuyến,... được cập nhật liên tục trên Tìm Đáp Án.