Unit 2: Problems

Tiếng Anh 12 Unit 2 2A. Vocabulary

1 SPEAKING Describe what is happening in the photos (A–C). 2 Check the meaning of the adjectives below. Match at least two adjectives with each person in the photos. 3 Which of the adjectives in exercise 2 have a positive meaning and which have a negative meaning? Are there any that you think can have both?

Tiếng Anh 12 Unit 2 2B. Grammar

1 SPEAKING Do you think you are luckier or unluckier than other people? What is the luckiest or unluckiest thing that has happened to you or someone you know? 2 What are the rules for forming a) short and long comparative adjectives and b) short and long superlative adjectives?

Tiếng Anh 12 Unit 2 2C. Listening

1 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Discuss how you would feel and what you would do in these situations. 2 Read the text. Which pieces of advice could be useful to each situation in exercise 1? Why? Which do you think is the best piece of advice?

Tiếng Anh 12 Unit 2 2D. Grammar

1 Do the quiz below in your notebook. Do you agree with what your score says? 2 Read the Learn this! box. Then find examples for each rule (1-3) in the quiz in exercise 1.3 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences. If both are correct, explain the difference in meaning.

Tiếng Anh 12 Unit 2 2E. Word Skills

1 SPEAKING Read the forum post. In your own words, say what Marco is worried about.2 Read the Learn this! box. Find the nouns below in exercise 1. Which prepositions go before them? 3 Complete the phrases with the correct prepositions.

Tiếng Anh 12 Unit 2 2F. Reading

1 SPEAKING Look at the photos that illustrate two common problems in a city. What do you think are the problems? What are some possible solutions? 2 Read texts (A-C) opposite. Match the texts with the titles (1-5). There are two extra titles.

Tiếng Anh 12 Unit 2 2G. Speaking

1 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Read the task. Are you good at sharing a living space with other people? Why? / Why not? What problems can there be? 2 Read the Speaking Strategy above. Add the question tags. Then read the Pronunciation box and practise saying the tags.

Tiếng Anh 12 Unit 2 2H. Writing

1 SPEAKING Work in pairs. If you needed advice for problem, what would you do? Discuss the options below. 2 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Read the task. Decide on an argument for and an argument against the topic.

Tiếng Anh 12 Unit 2 2I. Culture

1 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Think of three important problems that the world faces today. How do you think we can solve them?2 Read the text. What solution did the British government suggest for a problem in the 18th century? Was it successful?

Tiếng Anh 12 Unit 2 Review Unit 2

Read the extract from a story. Circle the correct answers (A-D). Listen to four dialogues and choose the correct answers (a–c).While studying in Britain, you are sharing a flat with another student. You are having problems with your flatmate because he/she leaves the lights on after using the toilet. Talk with your flatmate and agree on some rules in the flat.

Tiếng Anh 12 Friends Global Unit 2 Từ vựng

Tổng hợp từ vựng Unit 2: Problems Tiếng Anh 12 Friends Global

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