Unit 2: A multicultural world

Tiếng Anh 12 Unit 2 Getting Started

At the International Cultural Festival 1. Listen and read. 2. Read the conversation again and complete the table. Use no more than THREE words for each blank. 3. Find words and a phrase in 1 that have the same or similar meaning to the following words and phrases. 4. Complete the sentences based on the conversation. Use the correct article (a, an, the) or ∅ (no article).

Tiếng Anh 12 Unit 2 Language

Pronunciation Diphthongs /ɔɪ/, /aɪ/, and /aʊ/ 1. Listen and repeat. Then practise saying the words. 2. Work in pairs. Underline the words that contain the /ɔɪ/, /aɪ/, and /aʊ/ sounds. Listen and check. Then practise saying the sentences. Vocabulary 1. Match the words with their meanings. 2. Complete the sentences using the correct forms of the words in 1. Grammar 1. Circle the correct answer to complete each of the sentences. 2. Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about the following topics

Tiếng Anh 12 Unit 2 Reading

Globalisation and cultural diversity 1. Work in pairs. Discuss the following questions. 2. Read the article and match each section (A-C) with a heading (1-5). There are TWO extra headings. 3. Read the article again and choose the correct answer A, B, or C. 4. Work in groups. Discuss the following question.

Tiếng Anh 12 Unit 2 Speaking

Panning a Cultural Diversity Day 1. Work in pairs. Discuss the differences between Vietnamese culture and some other cultures you know about. Use the ideas in Getting Started and Reading, and the table and examples below to help you. 2. Work in groups. Your school is organising a Cultural Diversity Day. Discuss what the event should include. Use the ideas in 1 to create the event programme. 3. Report your group's ideas to the whole class. Vote for the best Cultural Diversity Day programme.

Tiếng Anh 12 Unit 2 Listening

Celebrating Halloween in Viet Nam 1. Work in pairs. Label the following pictures. Do you often see them in Viet Nam? 2. Listen to an interview. What do Minh and Mai think about Halloween? Circle the correct words or phrase. 3. Listen to the interview again and complete each sentence with no more than TWO words. 4. Work in groups. Discuss the questions.

Tiếng Anh 12 Unit 2 Writing

An opinion eassay on the impacts of world festivals on young Vietnamese people 1. Work in pairs. Decide whether the following points are positive or negative impacts of celebrating world festivals. Discuss the reasons. 2. Write an opinion essay (180 words) on the following topic. Use the ideas in 1 and the outline and suggestions below to help you.

Tiếng Anh 12 Unit 2 Communication and culture/ CLIL

Everyday English Making introductions and responding to them 1. Listen and complete the conversations with the expressions in the box. Then practise them in pairs. 2. Work in groups of three. Use the models in 1 to make similar conversations for these situations. One of you is A, the others are B and C. Use the expressions below to help you. Culture 2. Work in groups. Discuss the questions. 1. Read the text and put a tick () or cross () in the box next to the pictures to show the appropriate b

Tiếng Anh 12 Unit 2 Looking back

Pronunciation Read the following sentences and write the words containing the /ɔɪ/, /aɪ/ and /aʊ/ sounds in the correct column. Then listen and check. Proctise saying the sentences in pairs. Vocabulary Grammar Choose the best answer A, B, C, or D. Choose the correct word to complete each of the sentences.

Tiếng Anh 12 Unit 2 Project

INTRODUCE A CULTURE Work in groups. Choose a country and do some research on its culture. Give a group presentation. It can include some of the following information: - Name of the country - Language(s) spoken - Traditional festivals and customs - Music, dance, and fashion - Cuisine

Grammar Unit 2 Tiếng Anh 12 Global Success

Trong tiếng Anh có hai loại mạo từ: không xác định (a/ an) và xác định (the). - Chúng ta sử mạo từ không xác định a và an trước danh từ đếm được, số ít khi người đọc hoặc người nghe không biết chúng ta đang ám chỉ đến đối tượng nào. Ví dụ: I want to buy a souvenir. (Tôi muốn mua một món quà lưu niệm.) - Chúng ta sử dụng mạo từ xác định the trước danh từ số nhiều hoặc số ít khi chúng ta nghĩ rằng người đọc hoặc người nghe biết chúng ta đang ám chỉ đến đối tượng nào bởi vì: + có duy nhất đ

Tiếng Anh 12 Global Success Unit 2 Từ vựng

Tổng hợp từ vựng Unit 2. A multicultural world Tiếng Anh 12 Global Success

Luyện tập từ vựng Unit 2 Tiếng Anh 12 Global Success

Tổng hợp từ vựng Unit 2Tiếng Anh 12 Global Success

Bài học tiếp theo

Bài học bổ sung

Bài học liên quan

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