Unit 8. Ecotourism

8.1 Vocabulary - Unit 8. Ecotourism - SBT Tiếng Anh 10 English Discovery

1. Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with the correct form of the words / phrases from the list.2. Choose the correct word to complete the sentences. 3. Use the following words to complete the leaflets: conserve, environment, communities, limit, reuse, save.4. List 5 activities that students should do to protect the environment.

8.2 Grammar - Unit 8. Ecotourism - SBT Tiếng Anh 10 English Discovery

1. Circle the correct form of the verbs in italics.2. Complete each second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. 3. Find and correct the mistake in the following sentences. Tick (X) if the sentence is correct. 4. Change the following sentences from indirect into direct speech.

8.3 Listening - Unit 8. Ecotourism - SBT Tiếng Anh 10 English Discovery

1. Match the words below with the pictures 1-6.2. Using the words in Exercise 1 to complete the sentences. 3. Listen to the recording and decide whether these statement are true (T), false (F), or not given (NG). 4. Listen again and choose the correct option.

8.4. Reading - Unit 8. Ecotourism - SBT Tiếng Anh 10 English Discovery

1. Number the pictures with the correct number (1-6). 2. Complete the sentences with the words below. 3. Read the text about Hà Giang and fill in each blank with NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the text.4. Read the text again. Which paragraph (A-D) mentions the following information?

8.5. Grammar - Unit 8. Ecotourism - SBT Tiếng Anh 10 English Discovery

1. Rewrite the questions in indirect speech.2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets. 3. Change these questions from indirect speech into direct speech.4. Find and correct the mistake in each sentence. 5. Circle the correct option in brackets.

8.6. Use of English - Unit 8. Ecotourism - SBT Tiếng Anh 10 English Discovery

1. Choose the correct option A, B or C to complete the sentences. 2. Complete the sentences with the words below.3. Choose the word or phrase (A, B or C) that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each sentence. 4. Match the first half of the sentence with the second half.

8.7. Writing - Unit 8. Ecotourism - SBT Tiếng Anh 10 English Discovery

1. Read the advertisement and tick the information mentioned. 2. Is the heading of the advertisement a full sentence?3. Underline the adjectives that are used in the advertisement. 4. Write an advertisement (120-150 words) for an ecotour in your country. Remember to include some adjectives to attract tourists.

8.8. Speaking - Unit 8. Ecotourism - SBT Tiếng Anh 10 English Discovery

1. Complete the sentences with the words below. 2. Look at the map and write the correct places next to the descriptions. 3. Look at the map and complete the directions with one word in each blank.4. Read the directions and write the correct places. 5. Find and correct the mistake in each sentence.

8.9. Self-check - Unit 8.Ecotourism - SBT Tiếng Anh 10 English Discovery

1. Match the words on the left with the definitions on the right.2. Put the words into the correct column.3. Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentences.4. Choose the best option. 5. Find and correct the mistake in each sentence. 6. Complete the sentences with the words below. 7. Choose the correct answer (A, B, or C) to replace the underlined part of the sentence.8. Choose the best word to complete the passage.

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